chapter 11

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One thing I learned ever since I became a college student is that issues are way spicier now compared to when we were in high school. Yeah. You read that right. I always thought that as soon as I enter college, it'll become peaceful, but I was once again proven wrong.

It's way worse.

"Hey, did you know that this girl from my class got pregnant by one of the married profs?"

"What? No way!"

"Yes! She even had her parents come to sue the prof! Serves him right. He's really known to be the type who flirts with his female students."

"The girl even said that the prof sells drugs to some students here."

"And they say we're the best university in the country? Hell, what reputation will we get now?"

I grimaced from what I heard from the 2 girls next to me in the sink while I was washing my hand. I didn't mean to eavesdrop, but they were talking way too loud. As if making sure that everybody around them can hear it.

I went outside the comfort room as fast as I can, not wanting to stay anymore to listen to their gossips. I learned from my mistake back when I was in high school with gossiping, so I'm trying my best not to do it again.

But, from experience, what they just said is real. Issues now that we're in college are worse, even jail worthy. I just hope my friends and I won't get involved in rumors like that, because all hell will break lose if that ever happens. I'm ready to fight anyone who spreads rumors like that about my friends.

"Where are you headed, my beloved Yumi?" I was shocked when someone wrapped their arm around my shoulder, and I could only smile when I saw that it was Jiwoo. She looks really pretty today, since Jiwoo's kinda the type who wears whatever, but today, she looks really pretty in her floral dress. Like a real princess.

"You look really pretty today, babe." I complimented her, even pinching her cheek in a playful manner, making Jiwoo laugh her ass out.

"I really wish I'm a guy. I swear to god, Anton doesn't realize yet how much of a girl friend material you are. Pretty, smart, kind and just wholesome." Jiwoo told me all that, but I just dismissed her, saying I have no time for her lies.

"Hey! I'm telling the truth! You are pretty, pretty like the sun trickling down on water making it look like it's sparkling," Jiwoo told me, and she was dead serious, and I wanted to tell her that I feel so touched because that was the most poetic thing I've ever heard be said about me, but of course I won't say that in front of her.

"Shut up, Jiwoo. I'm not doing you any favors." I told her in a joking manner, making her hit me playfully, after realizing that I just ignored her compliment.

I guess, I'm just not used to people telling me good things about me. I've grew up being face shamed and fat shamed by my aunts in my dad's side of the family, so hearing something beautiful being said about me means a lot. Add the fact that all my friends are insanely good looking, so a compliment from them is a huge thing you know.

But, I realized that maybe I need to practice accepting compliments. It's not that hard, right? All I need is to say thank you.

"Thanks, Jiwoo." I whispered next to Jiwoo, before running away. I even heard her shouting my name, yelling that we need to go to the others since it's already lunch time, but I chose to ignore it, besides, I'm needed in the Dean's office right this moment.

University life for me is mostly about studying, crying about how hard being a student is, and hanging out with my friends, but today, I'll be meeting up with the Dean for the first time ever, together with my parents and Jihan with his parents as well. I didn't tell my friends anything about meeting Jihan again, because I don't want to worry them, I even made Sungchan swear to never tell them anything or else I'll kick his balls.

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