chapter 12

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Sungchan has been having frequent morning football practice now because of another season of football matches, which means I don't have a free ride to university for the time being. Makes me realize that I really need to get a driver's license soon.

"Anton! You're finally here, come eat breakfast with us." Ma told Anton who was suddenly inside our house now.

I was confused. Why is he always in our house? And why does he only come every time I look like shit? I still haven't combed my hair yet, it still looks like a bird's nest, and he can see my bare face!

"Why are you always here? Get lost." I whined, even glaring at him, but he just laughed at me before sitting down to eat with us.

"I'm driving you to school, Yuyu. I was expecting a thank you." Anton joked as well, but I just glared at him.

It also doesn't help that my parents adore Anton like they're his son as well. Heck, there are times when I feel like I'm the adopted one since Anton and Sungchan are kinda alike in character, making them look like they're actually siblings.

I ate faster than the rest, before excusing myself so I can finally fix my appearance. I may be closer to Anton before, but I still am trying to woo him. So, I need to be more presentable. There are tons of way beautiful girls out there who are trying to make a move on this man, of course, I had to make an effort as well to keep his eyes on me.

After an hour of getting ready, I was shocked to see Anton holding some bandages and a bandaid with a cute little brachio design on it. I smiled. Anton and his love for the brachio really is so adorable, he reminds me of that one tall guy who also loves dinosaurs from haikyuu.

"Come here, Yuyu so that we won't get late going to school," he ordered, before he carefully made me sit on top of the counter while he applied some ointment on my face that had bruise on it.

Anton was too close.

I didn't find it weird, but what if he hears the loud beating of my heart? Would he laugh at me? He looks so calm, while I was already freaking out inside. His hand was soft, like I was some delicate glass he needs to gently take care of. Why is this making my heart flutter? Anton's just helping me with my bruises, so why am I blushing and wanting to kick my feet?

But, I reminded myself that this is another chance I have to flirt. Sungchan isn't around, which is a very rare moment, so I need to make most of the given time to me.

"You look pretty today, Chanyoung." I told him, using his korean name which felt weird to use because it's been so long since the last time I called him that.

Anton stopped for a minute with what he was doing, before staring at me, clearly shocked by what I just called him.

"What? You can call me Yuyu, but I can't call you Chanyoung now?" I joked, but I was the one who got shocked this time when Anton smiled at me. The smile where you can see his dimple and a few smile lines on his eyes. The smile where he looked the prettiest.

I couldn't move for a minute. All I did was stare at him. He looks so good right now, and it's not healthy for my heart.

"Stop staring," Anton ordered, and I was finally back to reality. I chuckled a bit after seeing Anton's red ears. He was getting shy and it's just so endearing.

I don't know, I'm just into guys who are shy and adorable. Like this one in front of me.

"Anton, what's your type?" I couldn't help but ask, but I guess I already have an answer. Anton might like girls who are similar to Iseul, his ex girlfriend.

"MBTI type?" Anton asked, and I fought the urge to tell him he's so adorable. I don't know if he's trying to sound stupid, but he's still adorable so it's fine.

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