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Hello everyone.
Let's start the third chapter.
.hope you will like it

Adyasha, who was standing at a distance, observing Mr. Oberoi and the other person, slowly walk towards them and stand before them with an emotionless face.

Mr. Oberoi: "Oh, you are here. How is your surprise, darling? You liked it." (Mr. Oberoi gestures towards the other person)

Adyasha: "If this is a surprise, then not sorry. I hate surprises from this very moment." (She replies while rolling her eyes.)

Mr. Oberoi: "Nitin," (Before Mr. Oberoi could say more, Nitin interrupts, taking a step towards Adyasha.)

Nitin: "As expected, honey. Well, I missed you. Give me a hug." (He says, attempting to hug Adyasha.)

However, before he can do so, Adyasha turns towards the restaurant gate and walks inside, saying to Mr. Oberoi, "Whatever you want to say, do it quickly. I don't have time for frivolous talk."

She then goes inside. Mr. Oberoi remarks, "See how outspoken she has become. Don't pay attention to her words, my boy. Let's go inside."

Nitin reassures Mr. Oberoi, saying, "It's okay. You know I like wildcats. I will handle her." It's fun.

Adyasha walks directly towards the VIP room and gracefully takes a seat, sitting like a queen. Mr. Oberoi and Nitin also enter and sit in front of her.

Adyasha: "Speak."

Mr. Oberoi: "Don't show this attitude to me."

Adyasha: "Why? I didn't like your attitude either."

Mr. Oberoi: "Don't provoke me. You know what I can do."

Adyasha: "Do it, because I know you couldn't."

Mr. Oberoi: Ever since you became the queen, you've developed so much attitude. You've become quite bold.
Adyasha: that's what makes me Queen (she said with a smirk)
Mr.Oberoi: Let me make it clear; if you speak to me like this in front of the board members, you know what will happen. I value nothing more than my reputation, so behave accordingly."

Adyasha: "Well, You also have a reputation; I didn't know that(she scoffed a little) and I know what I have to do and why. So don't worry, Mr. Oberoi."

Nitin: "Don't worry, uncle. I know what she needs, and I'm here to provide it. Finally, I'm meeting my darling after six months."

(Explanation: Adyasha was made the Mafia Queen six months ago by Mr. Raichand, Nitin's father and the former Mafia head. He wants Adyasha to become Nitin's wife. Mr. Raichand believes Nitin is not fit to be the king, but he doesn't want the king or queen title to leave the family.)

Mr. Oberoi: "You both can do whatever you want. Be on time for tomorrow's meeting; it's important."

Nitin: "Don't worry, uncle. Now, if you could give us some time alone."

Mr. Oberoi: "sure son. I'll leave now. Adyasha, behave."

Adyasha rolls her eyes at him.
Mr. Oberoi leaves the place. Nitin gets up from the seat in front of Adyasha and walks towards her.

Adyasha begins to leave, but Nitin grabs her hand, stopping her.

Adyasha: "Don't dare to touch me. I'm not a little girl anymore."

Nitin: "So much anger, aww. You look hot when you're angry." (He pulls her towards him and makes her sit next to him.)

Adyasha: "I don't have time for your nonsense."

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