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✨🥺 Hello everyone, sorry for the delay.
But here is the next chapter.
✨And at the end of the chapter, there will be a face reveal of Adyasha and Rishab.😶‍🌫️
✨ In the next chapter, I will reveal Viraaj and Abhinav's faces.
✨. Guys, it's just a story, so I hope no one minds using these personality pictures. 🙇🏻
Hope you guys like this future couple face reveal. 💖
✨And please share your reviews. I will be waiting for it. 🤧
✨Okay, finally, let's start the chapter now.


As Adyasha's tear-filled eyes locked onto the open door, relief flooded through her when she saw Rocco enter the room, his familiar form bringing a sense of comfort amidst the chaos of her nightmare. With a heart full of emotion, she watched as Rocco standing at the doorway before bounding towards her, his concerned gaze reflecting her own turmoil..

As Rocco leaped onto the bed and into her arms, Adyasha buried her face in his fur, her sobs shaking her body as she sought solace in his comforting presence. Through her tears, she whispered brokenly, "Rocco... my boy," her words choked with emotion as she struggled to find the strength to speak.

In a voice thick with anger and determination, Adyasha's resolve hardened as she vowed, "Someday,... I'll use my own hands to end him" (her words ringing out with fierce ,a painful sob escaped from her mouth.)
"" The sound of his scream will bring peace to my soul, and the type of death I'll give him is beyond anything he has ever considered"" With each syllable, the weight of her pain and suffering fueled her resolve, igniting a fire within her that burned with the desire for justice.

As Rocco barked softly, a silent reassurance amidst the storm of emotions, Adyasha clung to him tightly, drawing strength from his unwavering presence. With her loyal companion by her side, she knew she wasn't alone in her fight for retribution, her every breath a testament to the fierce determination that burned within her soul.

With Rocco by her side, Adyasha's thoughts turned to the haunting nightmare that had shaken her to the core. The memory of the chilling voices and relentless pursuit still lingered, sending shivers down her spine, but soon Adyasha gradually regained her composure, her breathing steadied, and she gently stroked Rocco's fur, finding solace in his unwavering loyalty.

As Rishab observed Adyasha and Rocco, a mix of emotions stirred within him. Relief washed over him, knowing she was safe with her loyal companion by her side. Yet, beneath the surface, an unexpected pang of jealousy gnawed at his heart. He found himself questioning his own feelings, puzzled by the intensity of his reaction to a mere dog.

Taking a deep breath, Rishab acknowledged the irrationality of his jealousy and made a conscious effort to quell the rising tide of emotions. "It's okay for now," he whispered to himself, a silent reassurance that Adyasha was in good hands, even if those hands belonged to a canine companion.

With a resigned sigh, Rishab returned the keys to their rightful place and settled back into bed, the glow of his laptop casting a soft light in the darkness. He watched as Adyasha and Rocco drifted off to sleep, their peaceful embrace bringing a sense of calm to the room.As sleep finally claimed him, Rishab let go of his lingering doubts and insecurities, allowing himself to be carried away by the currents of dreams.

The night passed in a haze of dreams and restless sleep for both Adyasha and Rishab. As dawn broke and the first light of morning filtered through the curtains, Adyasha stirred awake, her mind still heavy with the remnants of the nightmare that had plagued her sleep.

With a groan, she rubbed her eyes and glanced around the room, the events of the previous night slowly coming back to her. Rocco, ever vigilant, was curled up, his gentle presence a source of comfort.

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