Chapter 4

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Bonnie MacInnes was old enough to recognise her many flaws. She was a worrier, she didn't trust most people, and she had spent way too much money with her daughters shopping. One thing she was good at was her judgement. It was yet to fail her, from meeting all her sons and daughters partners, to close friends, to strangers that had passed through her life. She had loved all her children's current partners from the start. They were all from good respectable families, with impeccable records and careers.

She didn't like Grace Campbell. In her thirties and single? The woman smiled too much, was too loud and too opinionative. Her husband told her she was some sort of... book publisher. Was that even a career, in this day and age? Her outfit was inappropriate, for Bonnie's taste, in her red A-line cup-sleeve dress and cream shoes. A little cardigan would've been nice, over her shoulders. And a longer skirt. Also, she was too fat and too short for that outfit anyway, she looked ridiculous!

"Hi, you must be James' mum?" Grace asked politely, showing Bonnie her well-manicured hand.

"James?" Bonnie's comment oozed with disgust; her son was Lord MacInnes!

"Mother, this is Miss Campbell; Dr Faith Campbell's sister" James introduced, in his perfect regency man tone.

"It's a pleasure to meet you" Grace tried again.

"I'm sure." Bonnie tossed, eyeing her hand with visible disgust "James, darling, will you join me for some tea?"

"Of course. Do you want me to get nanna?" James asked.

"No." Bonnie tossed straight away; she needed some more time until she could endure Margaret "Just us two."

"I'll go out for a walk in the garden" Grace added, blushing in embarrassment.

Bonnie smiled tensely as she turned her back to Grace. There, that should do the trick for that simpleton to know her place.

"Hey" Bonnie heard Grace call her son "I... just wanted to thank you for the mug. That was... really thoughtful. And... sorry about the other night. It's a touchy subject."

"No need to thank me or apologise, Miss Campbell." James added immediately "Enjoy your walk outside. The day is lovely."

He turned his back on her and joined his mother. As the two disappeared into the sitting room, Grace felt like a dagger had been pressed through her stomach. He had been so cold with her, so cold and dismissive. Was he angry about the other night, when he tried to talk about her parents, or was it something else she failed to see? Whatever it was, why had he gotten her a mug? That had been such a thoughtful thing to do, such a kind and sweet gesture.

Whatever, she needed to get something to eat and drink, go for a walk outside to clear her head, and back to writing - new book, she needed to keep the focus.

"Oh, shit. Jesus, I'm sorry!" Grace moaned when she bumped into someone, as she walked out the front door.

"Are you alright, there?" The man she had crashed into asked, helping her steady.

"Yes, thanks." Grace smiled up at him "Sorry again."

She dismissed him before she even realised the man she had bumped into was no other than Ian MacInnes, the second son. The attractive tall brunette followed Grace's figure with his hungry eyes until she turned a corner onto the gardens. It had been a great idea to accompany his mum back home, Ian mussed.

Grace needed a nice walk. She couldn't go far in the heels - an idiotic decision just so she could look good for- for herself, she quickly corrected it in her head.

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