Chapter 12

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This is it, the last chapter! :D There will be a little epilogue to follow, so stay tuned for that!

Also, there's a little 'Easter Egg' in this chapter - can you spot it? O.o it is related to another story of mine.

Happy readings!


Grace had never had to do something like this in her life. To confront someone you held dearest in your heart, that you trusted blindly, that you considered not only a friend but family, was heartbreaking. In the quietness of James' bedroom, she confronted Gloria on her laptop.

"I... I... I didn't..." Gloria muttered, her eyes wide with shock.

"Why did you do it?" Grace muttered with tears coming down her flushed cheeks "Why didn't you come to me?"

Gloria took a deep breath, her hands were shaking, Grace could tell.

"Miss Turner, my client will not pursue legal action against you." George, Angelica's husband, was also on the call as Grace's lawyer "But you will have to sign a new NDA regarding my client's many private discussions with yourself that she intends to keep private after you are dismissed."

"Dismissed!? B-b-but I- Grace, I would never do anything like this! They are lying to you!"

"I will send this across to yourself, Miss Turner, and expect this signed and returned within seven working days. If you wish to consult your lawyer, I to advise you to do so straight away." George continued, not letting Gloria's begging stop his intentions of finalising this chapter for Grace "Also, you are to vacate your office space today. Leave the key with the building manager and advise when you have done so. Finally, all your gadgets - laptop, phone, tablet, etc - anything you currently use that my client has acquired for your professional use, these are to be left on the premises. I will send you an itemised list so you can confirm what items to leave."

James was sitting next to Grace, off-camera, grabbing onto one of her hands, as the woman he loved stood as straight as an arrow, back tense, listening to George. He hadn't been able to be there for her before, in all the struggles she had gone through, but he would be there for her forever. For as long as he lived, he would do everything and anything in his power to always protect her.

"I don't want you to return the money." Grace continued, sombre "Because I know you really couldn't' afford it."


"If you had come to me..." Grace cried again, her lips trembling "You should know I would have helped you. You didn't have to do this."

"Grace, please! What will I do!? I... I don't know what I can do!" Gloria begged, tears also pooled her eyes.

"My client will not offer a letter of recommendation or references, due to obvious reasons." George quickly intervened "But she will not offer any unkind words to any future employee. My suggestion, Miss Turner, is that you refrain from using my client as a reference."

"Grace, please..." Gloria begged on the screen "Please, we've been working together for almost a decade! Surely you know I would never do anything to purposely hurt you!"

"You can log out now, Grace." George, once again, intervened "I will deal with the details, now."

"Wait, Grace-" Gloria tried to beg once more, but Grace closed her laptop before she could speak.

James embraced her straight away, kissing the top of her head.

"You did great..." He assured her "She should be smart, now, and move on with her life. You gave her a second chance."

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