Chapter 10

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NOTE: Attached is a collage of photos I took back in the Summer of '22, on a road trip I did with my wonderful husband to Scotland :) And no, no photos could ever show how amazing Scotland is!


Bonnie was absolutely furious with the news. She sat on her beautiful Queen Anne chair at her vanity and she could see her cheeks lose all colour. Her son, her solid, trustworthy and dignified firstborn had taken time off, suddenly. Not only had he abandoned the family's business without any notice, but he also did it with that woman! She was a bad influence on him, she made him go against his upbringing and the family's interests. This was unacceptable, and Bonnie officially had had enough.

"Ian, you listen to me very closely" Bonnie continued into her mobile "I want you to reach out to your uncle Angus."

Angus was the youngest MacInnes son, Seamus's younger brother. He had been vocal about not wanting to back the children in their venture to take the company mostly remote and move back to the village. If anyone would be persuaded into action, it would be him.

"You speak to him and tell him that your brother's current priorities do not align with the company's vision." Bonnie sighed, rubbing her wrinkly forehead "But Ian, please don't take it too far, or they will lose confidence in him. Your brother is our best leader."

"But mum, I know I could do it" Ian assured her.

"Darling, just do this for me, please?" Bonnie pushed her request.

As much as Bonnie loved her younger son, she knew he didn't have the authority and reputation that James did. Their best option was to intervene in her son's new terrible relationship. They had to bring him back to his priorities and forget all about Grace Campbell and her ambitions.

"Sure." Ian sighed, not happy with the reply "What about her? I really think she's weird. I'm sure there's something with these two women, Mum."

"I agree, my darling. Yes, we need to look into them" Bonnie nodded.

Looking outside into the garden, she saw her mother-in-law sitting on the patio, by herself. Surely she would know something as well, but she would never tell Bonnie, of course. She had to press Seamus, her husband would open up to her about Grace Campbell's little secrets. If she could be sure of one thing about her darling husband, was that he always came through with her requests. After all, she had given him seven children. The least he could do was amuse her every so often.

"I'll speak to Dad as well. Your nanna must know something, but you know she would never tell me."

"I can speak to Nanna if you want" Ian offered.

"No, darling. Focus on your uncle and hire someone to look into Grace - actually both of them" Bonnie requested, and put the phone down after that.

Bonnie took a little gulp of tea as she paced in her lavish bedroom. The parquet flooring had been renovated recently, the drapes were a beautiful silk, imported of course. Taking off her leather heels, she dropped them in her recently refurbished walk-in closet. To think that one gold digger such as Grace could destroy everything she had fought so hard to build with her family, made her sick. The women wanted nothing more than their money and family name. Bonnie had known people like this. This wasn't the first time someone tried to get close to one of her children and parasitically found their way into becoming a MacInnes. Not on Boonie's watch, but especially not with her heir.

If there was something - which there had to be - suspicious about the two sisters, Bonnie was sure Ian would get the right people on it. It might take a while, but Bonine could be patient if the situation required it. She would wait, but she expected results. Grace Campbell had her days numbered in that house and their lives.

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