Chapter 6

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The lighting was dim, the gentle rain of Autumn was soft, a rhythmic cadence on the windows of the estate. Each gentle tap echoed through the study, as Faith worked on her laptop late in the evening.

This had already proved a much more successful and productive trip. To think, only two weeks previously she had returned from Germany and was working on what her next research would be. A stroke of luck put her on the path of Lord MacInnes, and... well, there she was now - with a cup of tea in her hands, piles and piles of documents and letters at her feet, and a most delicious mystery.

Bringing Grace had not been necessary, it was merely her sisterly love that wanted to make sure she would drag poor Grace along for her journey. Now, however, she believed it... was meant to be, in some way. The trip had made Grace come out of her shell, one that she had carefully built around herself, like a strong wall. Bickering with James had brought out her cheekiness again, Margaret her curiosity, Seamus the patience, and Bonnie... Well, Bonnie brought out her fighting instinct. Her wonderful Ace was slowly but steadily taking out portions of her wall, and building back her confidence.

What next, though?

Faith stopped typing on her laptop as she considered the question. What then, after they returned to London, back to the routine of daily life? Faith knew she would be busy with her research for at least another year. Presentations around the whole of the UK, to various universities, were certainly in her future. She would be busy, and happy in her habitat. Her sister, however... Would Grace wither? Would she revert to her old self?


Faith looked up into the double doors and cleared her throat as she saw Sean come in. His smile and light blue eyes always made her brain stop functioning for a few seconds.

"Hey there" She greeted, turning her attention back to her laptop.

"Do you mind if I take cover up here, for a little while?"

Faith's brows jolted at Sean's request. He winced as he sat across from her, at the desk.

"What happened?"

"Oh, man..." Sean chuckled "I fucked up, that's what happened."

Sean told her he had interrupted something in the parlour. Faith's gasp was small, she closed her laptop and leaned back into the leather chair.

"They were... that close?"

"You tell me." Sean shrugged "What's going on there? Are they... flirting or...? What's going on, exactly?"

"I..." Faith started, she then frowned, and finally sighed, rubbing one of her eyes with the heel of her hand "I actually am not sure. I've been so busy with my research that I just... I haven't paid that much attention. I thought... Honestly, I thought it was only fun bickering."

"Well, I'm telling you right now, it's probably more than that." Sean assured her, a soft frown between his dark brows "I can guarantee you, I've never seen my cousin that relaxed. Not without a copious amount of alcohol, at least."

"Should we... do something?" Faith asked herself more than anyone else.

"Hell yeah, we should!" Sean put in, and Faith chuckled "Your sister's lovely. She's intelligent, kind, funny. She keeps him on his toes, and he needs that. Also, she makes him laugh. Do you have any idea how hard that is?"

"He certainly does not come across as the most laidback person no" Faith chuckled once more.

"I say we instigate it." Sean grinned "You do her, I'll do him, sound good? Good!"

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