Chapter 3| New Home

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Alex pov:

I was sitting in Ashley's extremely expensive car as she drove us to her house. I wasn't sure if I should start a conversation or not. What would I even talk about? She was cold during dinner, and I didn't want to bring up the argument she had with her father, since her drinking wasn't any of my business. I looked up at her, letting my eyes trace out the details of her face as I thought about a conversation starter. God, what was I meant to talk about? Maybe I'll just say something casual like... her interests? Or something bland like the weather? Maybe I should bring up our situation? she'd hate that. Maybe I should-

"Are you going to talk or just stare at me?" Ashley said, breaking the silence. My eyes immediately widened. Shit was I staring!? "S-sorry, I didn't mean to..." I mumbled, looking down at the floor. I really hope I wasn't staring, I never wanted to look at her again now out of pure embarrassment.

"Odio già quest'uomo." Ashley said in what I'm assuming was Italian.
[I already hate this man]

"What was that?" I asked, confused, frowning slightly.

"You probably don't wanna know." Ashley looked straight at the road, focusing. Clearly angry. I don't blame her for being angry she probably has such a busy and stressful life, and now she had me to deal with as well. "Oh, okay..." I whispered, looking out the window again.

She never went above the speed limit but she drove fast. I hoped she wasn't under the influence at all. I mean she only had a bit of that one glass... right? I'm sure if she was drunk she'd sober up before driving.

The silence continued through the rest of the car ride before finally they arrived at Ashley's mansion.

She drove through two gold gates. She was driving towards her house, her garden on either side of the road. It. Was. Massive.

"Here we are," Ashley said, finally breaking the silence. Ashley's face was still twisted in anger as she opened her car door and stepped out. I carefully opened the car door and stepped out, the cold air stinging my face. "Hurry up," Ashley called out, from a few feet ahead of me heading into her mansion. I walked quickly behind her in the dark, I could barely see. What time was it?

It took us a good few minutes to even get inside her front door. Once we did, Ashley walked up a flight of stairs and down a hallway without a word or even looking at me. I wasn't sure if I was meant to follow her or not, but I decided to anyway.

I followed Ashley to the third floor, where she walked into a luxurious bedroom with a large wardrobe, an even larger bed, massive window overlooking her garden with gold curtains. I turned and looked behind one of the double doors, seeing a life-size mirror and a desk. Ashley motioned to the massive bed with black and gold sheets. "Sit." She said ordered. I immediately sat down without hesitation or questioning.

Ashley walked over to the life-size mirror, placed her purse on the desk and she began fixing her hair, running her hands through it. "It's a shame our fathers have forced us into this stupid marriage," Ashley said suddenly. I wasn't sure how to respond, so I just hummed and nodded in agreement. "At least you're not... ugly," Ashley said with a shrug.

I frowned, I wasn't sure if that was a compliment or something I should take offence to. "Um, thank you... I think." I mumbled.

I could tell I was only fueling her anger and annoyance. I looked up when I heard her sigh loudly. "Dio, è un disastro." Ashley muttered as I saw she was now looking directly at me. "Anyway, this is your room. It's usually used as one of the guest rooms, but you can have it now." My eyes widened. This was MY room. Ashley pointed at the wardrobe. "You've got clothes." She pointed to the massive window, which I now saw was double glass doors onto a balcony. "You've got fresh air." She pointed to a door inside the room, which I didn't know where it led. "That's a bathroom." She then looked down at me again. "Do you need anything else?" Ashley asked coldly like she had no actual care for my comfort.

I shook my head. "No, thank you," I said politely.

"Great. Since you'll be living with me I'll provide for you so you don't have to work anymore." Ashley said curtly. She didn't seem happy about the fact she'd have to provide for me as well.

"Oh you don't have to I don't mind working..." I tried to make her less angry but it quickly backfired when I felt her glaring daggers at me. "O-or I'll just do your thing..." I mumbled, nervously.

Ashley smirked. It seemed like she was enjoying tormenting me now. "Oh no, it'll be easier if I just provide for you so I don't have to hear you complain about having to work every day," Ashley said, turning back to look at the mirror. "Plus I make more than enough for the both of us." She added, glaring at me through the mirror.

I wouldn't doubt for a second that she could've easily provided for the both of us. Her house was a literal mansion and she owned her own business as well as most of her family business.

"You're expected to clean, cook, and do whatever I tell you to. In your free time, you can do whatever you want." Ashley said coldly. She had this look of dominance over me, it was so intimidating but I kinda loved it.

I nodded. "Y-yeah, I can do all that." I knew traditionally this wasn't the way things went and my father would get angry with me for not being manly right now but I didn't have to guts to stand up to her.

"Also if you want to leave the house ask for permission first." Ashley's tone got a little sterner and it made me never want to do anything without permission. I nodded a second time. "Good. You can look around your new room now." She said dismissively, picking up her purse to probably leave.

I got off the bed and walked over to the wardrobe, I was wondering what kind of clothes were in there or if they're were any at all.

I slowly opened the wardrobe and saw... suits. Great. I guess I'm wearing suits for the rest of this marriage.

"My room is above yours, only bother me if it's an emergency." Ashley said coldly. All I could think about was how this house had four floors.

I looked up to say thank you but she was already leaving. "Than- oh..." she probably needed some sleep... and didn't want to be around me.

I wandered around my new room, it was massive. I know I needed her permission to leave but I didn't need to leave, I had everything in this one room.

I was planning on being a good husband and doing whatever she told me to. Mostly to avoid arguments or a toxic relationship, just anything that would make this situation more miserable. I still had a little hope that she and I could be friends at least, eventually. She was very closed off and cold but hopefully, she'll warm up to me soon.

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This is alr yk. Love alex being a bit delulu
Word count: 1275

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