Chapter 18| Teddy

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A/n, thank you alyxlee95 for this chapter idea they get full credit for the idea.

Ashley pov:

Two nights ago I'd walked back into my room to find Alex clinging to a pillow and mumbling my name. Which was adorable I will admit but also stupid. I couldn't figure out why he missed me so much, did he rely on me that much, that he craved me even in his sleep?

Feelings are complicated and he has so many of them.

Normally I wasn't there when he went to bed but I came after he fell asleep. And every time I woke up with him clinging to me. I never mentioned it to him, and he didn't notice since I woke up hours before he did.

The strange thing is I've never found him hugging a pillow I just couldn't wrap my head around why.

Regardless, I thought it'd be nice to take him to an amusement park since I'd unfortunately promised to be nicer. God, I hated people, especially children this would be a nightmare.

I'm only doing this because I asked Alessandro where he thought Alex would like to go.

Currently, I'm sitting in my car with Alex nervously sitting in the passenger seat, fidgeting with his fingers and sleeve. "Stop fidgeting, it's annoying," I muttered coldly, keeping my eyes on the road.

Alex looked away. "Sorry." He mumbled. "Where are we going?" He asked, looking out of the side window.

I didn't answer and just kept driving. Apparently, according to Adelina people like surprises. Which I don't get since why would you like not being told something? I prefer when people tell me things straight and don't beat around the bush but Alex and I aren't the same person, clearly.

Alex sighed at my lack of answer and looked back out of the window.

After a couple of minutes of silence driving, the amusement park came into view and I saw Alex's eyes light up when he saw it. Alessandro was right this was a good idea, I'm not telling him that. Ever.

I could tell Alex was trying to hide his excitement, in case we weren't going where he hoped. "Are... are we-"

"Yes," I said simply without much emotion.

Alex squealed, like a little girl, and grabbed my arm. "Thank you, thank you, thank you, so so so so much."

"Amore, I'm still driving." I reminded him making him reluctantly let go of my arm.

I glanced over at Alex and he just kept moving, why can't he sit still? "Can't you keep still?" I sighed.

"But I'm excited." Alex grinned, his legs bouncing up and down.

Excitement is a weird emotion. A cute emotion but still weird.

I sighed and parked my car, Alex practically jumped out of the car in excitement. He was bouncing around. "Come on, come on, huryyyyyy." Alex whined.

"Mio Dio," I muttered under my breath, getting out of the car and locking it. "Give me your hand then," I said, walking over to Alex with my hand out.

Alex obeyed, obviously, and he placed his hand in mine. "Why?" I mumbled, looking down at our interlinked hands as he blushed.

"Because you are like a small child and if I look away for a single second you'll have run off because you saw something shiny," I explained, beginning to walk toward the entrance to the amusement park.

We got to the ticket box and the lady was wearing a hideous uniform. I'd never let my workers wear that, as long as they look professional I do not care what they wear.

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