Chapter 29| Sleep

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Warning BDSM (like degrading, pegging & other stuff)

Alex pov:

I was having dinner with Ashley, who seemed to be yawning a lot. I didn't say anything until she paused eating her food to yawn for at least the 8th time in the past five minutes. Maybe she hasn't been getting enough sleep.

This was the first time we'd eaten dinner together, so we were silent the entire time since we didn't have much to talk about, but I couldn't keep quiet about how much she was yawning. "Ash, are you okay?" I asked concerned, putting my cutlery down to look up at her.

Ashley nodded and went back to eating her food, probably hoping I'd leave it there. But I didn't want to leave it because I'd never seen her this tired before. "Because you seem to be yawning a lot," I added, prompting a response from her. Hopefully, she'd give me an actual answer and not just a nod.

She slowly looked up at me; she looked tired-exhausted, actually. Okay, now I was really concerned for her. "I didn't sleep well while you were gone." Ash sighed, looking a little embarrassed maybe? Was she so worried about me that she didn't sleep? Wow, she actually cared that much about me? I thought I was the only one who couldn't sleep without the other.

Although I was a little happy that she was showing how much she cared, I frowned knowing that she didn't sleep. I thought for a few seconds; I wasn't sure how to ask what I wanted to say. "How... how many hours did you get per night?" I asked slowly, not trying very hard to hide the concern in my tone.

My question was met with a confused look. "Hours?" She questioned back. I looked at her in complete and utter shock, she seriously hadn't slept!? She hadn't slept at all in the time that I was gone? I don't even know how long I was gone for, but I know it was around two days.

"Don't give me that look. We're going to sleep straight after dinner, or else I'll be in a bad mood tomorrow." She grumbled, going back to eating. She was practically stabbing her food. So I may have annoyed her a little with my question, but I'm sure it'll be fine.

Then it dawned on me that she said she'd be in a bad mood if she didn't sleep. Bad mood... a bad mood? So did this mean that this was a good mood!? God, if this was a good mood, I don't even want to imagine what a bad mood is like or what she's capable of when in a bad mood. I pray to everything and anything out there that I never see her in a bad mood.

We ate the rest of our dinner in silence, neither of us wanting to talk or even make eye contact. I spent the rest of dinner thinking about what would ever happen if Ashley was in a bad mood and what I should do when she's in a bad mood. I have no idea what she was thinking though.

Ashley pov:

I spent dinner thinking about how good it would feel when I go back to that abandoned house tomorrow and finally kill Blaire. I know she hasn't moved because I tied her there and she wasn't bleeding enough to bleed out. Oh, how funny she'll look with two holes in her hands, I plan on mutilating her entire body before letting her bleed a slow, painful death on the floor as I watch.

As for Alex's father, I have no idea if he'll still be there since he can still walk just not reproduce. But if he is still there, I'm going to castrate him properly instead of just dysfunctioning his pathetic dick. I'm not sure who I'll enjoy torturing more, but I hope to watch the both of them die slowly for what they've done and how they've made Alex feel.

Alex pov:

When dinner was over, Adelina came and took our plates away, which I thanked her for.

Ashley got up and began walking off. "Follow." She ordered, and I obeyed, running after her and following her around her house. I didn't know where we were going, but I was content to follow her anywhere.

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