Chapter 24| Gone?

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Ashley pov:

I groaned as I woke up in my office chair. Shit, my head hurt so bad. What happened? I can't remember anything from yesterday. The last thing I remember is having a few drinks, but after that, I have no clue.

I looked around and saw the empty bottles on the floor. How much did I have yesterday? I couldn't have drunk all that in one night, could I? I must have been pretty drunk last night. And now I have a crippling hangover to deal with. Great. I lean my head back against the chair and let out an annoyed sigh. This was definitely the worst hangover I've ever had.

Standing up, my memories of the day before slowly began to come back. I remember Alex coming into my office and asking me something. I can't recall the exact words he said, but I remember feeling uneasy. He's never come into my office before. God, what was it that he asked for?

Walking over to the door, all my memories from that Night hit me like a boulder. I slid down the door and stared at the ground in disbelief. How could I say such horrible things...? What is wrong with me?

I put my head in my hands, feeling my heart race as the memories played through my mind. I said some truly awful things to Alex that night, things that I know I can never take back.

Fuck. Fuck. FUCK.

What have I done? Shit, this is bad.

What the hell was I thinking!?

I was quick to my feet, rushing out of my office. I need to find Alex and apologize to him, a lot. I ran upstairs to our room, knocking beforehand, before opening the door to find it empty. Where did he go? I call out his name, but there's no response. Fuck. I didn't even know if he'd want to talk to me after how I treated him.

I ran around frantically opening anything that his adorable self could hide in, I was turning over everything at least three times. Where the fuck is he?

"Amore!?" I yelled desperate to find him.

Oh, he must be in his old room. I ran back down the stairs, almost tripping on the way.

I rushed over to the guest room I had initially made him stay in, but it was locked. No, no, no! I knocked on the door repeatedly but he didn't say a word. Damnit, I hurt him so much last night. Why was I stupid enough to say those things? What have I done!? I knock on the door again, feeling my stomach twist with worry and guilt. I need to apologize to him.

Taking a few deep breaths, I step back. Okay, I just need to keep my cool and think logically. Pounding on his door like a lunatic won't get me anywhere. I take another breath, trying to calm myself down. I need to be reasonable and talk this out like an adult. So I take some slow, deep breaths, trying to keep my emotions under control.

I approached the door again, knocking gently. "Amore? Baby, are you okay?" I ask softly. I just need to know that he hadn't done anything stupid or reckless because of the dumb things I said to him last night. No reply. I try knocking a little harder, with more urgency.

Still, no reply. Not even a simple 'yes' that I needed to hear so badly.

I guessed he must want me to leave him alone so I turned on my heel and began contemplating ways to make it up to him again. And I had a lot to make up for.


I came back to his room around dinner time, I had a tray of food in my hands as well as his favourite flower that I had growing in the garden. I knocked twice on the door. "Amore? I brought you some food, you need to eat." I said softly, praying he'd answer and take the food. I didn't want him to starve just because I did something ridiculously dumb.

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