Chapter 9| Alessandro's opinion

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Alex pov:

I woke up to the light burning into my skin. I opened my eyes but saw pitch black.


I grabbed at my eyes and felt something soft and silky. "What the..." I whispered, pulling whatever was on my eyes off. I held it in front of me and waited for my eyes to adjust to the light before I could see what I was holding.

An eye mask?

Ashley must've put it on me when I was sleeping. Why? Maybe she wanted to help me sleep by blocking out the light or something.

She's such a sweetheart when she wants to be.

I turned over in the bed, hoping to come face-to-face with her, but all I saw was her empty side. The only useful thing I could see was the digital clock. 9:27 am. I groaned and put the eye mask back on.

I was sad Ashley wasn't there, but I'd never tell her that since she literally hates me.

I decided I'm going to try and get some more sleep because I haven't gotten any all week.

I adjusted the eye mask, moved slightly into a shader part of the bed, and put my hand under my pillow while turning to the side. Yes, I sleep on my side. Then I eventually dosed off again.

I wasn't sure how long it'd been but I got woken up by a loud knocking noise from outside the room. I sighed before ripping the eye mask off my face and tossing it on the bedside table. I felt around on the table until I grabbed onto the end of my glasses.

I took a breath in as I hastily got out of bed. The knock came again and got louder. "I'm coming in coming." I groaned, putting on my glasses.

I looked over at the digital clock again. 11.04 am. God, I should've woken up hours ago, oh well I'm sure it's fine.

I walked over to the door and opened it. I slowly looked up to meet eyes with Alessandro.

'You... you're in the missus room...?" Alessandro mumbled, in shock.

"And you're still stupidly tall," I replied sarcastically. "Now would you like to come in?" I rolled my eyes and stepped to the side.

Alessandro walked into the room, ducking when he walked through the door frame so he wouldn't hit his head. "Someone's moody. Did you just wake up?" He chuckled.

"Was it that obvious?" I sighed, walking back over to the bed and sitting on the floor next to it.

He smirked. "Considering your clothes, yes. Yes, it was obvious." Right, my pj's.

"Shhh, it was a rhetorical question." I groaned

Alessandro sat down next to me and laughed. "I know that, dummy." Making me roll my eyes at him.

"Rude," I muttered under my breath.

He then looked over at me with the strangest expression. "So why are you in Miss Ashley's room?" He rested his head on his palm. His eyes suddenly widened. "Did you two... you know?" He asked with an overly dramatic gasp.

I rolled my eyes again. "No. And your brain is gross to immediately think that." I mumbled which he just shrugged at. "She thought it'd be better if I slept with her because of my recent nightmares." I sighed, looking at the floor. I thought the reasoning made sense.

Alessandro grinned at the information I just gave him. Which I didn't like. His weird brain was thinking of something.

"She's definitely into you."


"She is! And I have a reason behind my theory." Alessandro interrupted still keeping that stupid grin.

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