- chapter 3 -

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Days had passed since the tribute parade. Cordelia had spent most of her time with Finnick's parents. His father wasn't at home much and his mother wasn't coping well with being alone. Cordelia wasn't coping much better. She'd taken to collecting schoolwork either early in the morning or late at night. The pitiful glances and stares of other students and teachers who knew they were close were too much. She couldn't even step foot in the academy. The training that took place was too hard to bear. Just the idea that Finnick would be dealing with that, for real in the arena in a few more days felt like the first time she'd fallen in the ocean fully dressed.

A hopeless sinking feeling, unable to bring herself to the surface. Her father had managed to grab her before it was too late, but the memory of the event hurt to even think about. When Finnick had heard what had happened, he'd freaked out. Forced her to practice swimming fully dressed in a safe environment, with him being ready to hold her weight if it became too much. It had worked, she could now swim with the heaviest clothes on, even succeeding in carrying Finnick while both were in soaked wool, only for about five minutes. But Finnick had celebrated all the same. The improvement was impressive, and he made sure she knew that.

The thought of Finnick made her smile. Even small as it was, she knew Finnick had drive. He had motivation. But that didn't matter, she knew Finnick would use his trident skills, something no other District could offer. The reminder of his skill brought her back to reality.

Sat on the couch in Finnick's house, wearing one of his sweaters and her own long skirt, she tucked her legs under her as she took up the least amount of space she could while remaining comfortable. The pacing footsteps of his mother were distracting. But the alternative was her rocking back and forth, which would've had the same distracting effect. So Cordelia let her pace. Deciding to just call her over when the tribute scores were to be announced.

The anthem of the Capital played and Cordelia called out for his mother. She scurried into the room and sat on the couch with Cordelia as the two watched the first couple of tributes score high. Districts One and Two scored nines and even a ten for the boy from Two.

"Those are good scores." Cordelia whimpered.

"Finnick will get a good score too, you've seen him with a trident. No other District can offer that." His mother reassured, squeezing her shoulder.

"From District Four," Caeser spoke, causing the two to focus on the screen again, Cordelia leaned forward and watched as Finnick's face appeared on the screen. He looked fine, with no noticeable bruising or crack in his 'Capital mask', but she had no idea what he was feeling mentally. "Finnick Odair, with a score of nine." Cordelia could breathe again. Much like at the reaping, she hadn't noticed herself holding her breath. She watched as his mother's tense form relaxed. Her head fell back against the couch and her eyes closed. "Margret Woodsaw, with a score of five."

Cordelia couldn't bring herself to feel bad for her District's female tribute. All she could feel was relief that Finnick had scored well. Any sponsors considering him based on his charm would be locked in now. It was a comforting thought. Both Cordelia and Finnick's mother sobbed in relief and pulled each other in for a hug.

The only thing left for Finnick now, at least publically before the games, was the interview. Where he would have no trouble winning over more sponsors. Especially with his score. Tribute interviews were in a few days, and Cordelia wondered how Finnick would prepare. He already had his Capital persona built. But now all eyes would be on him. Completely in the spotlight with no one to hide behind. No room to make mistakes. The thought alone was terrifying. Finnick was living it.

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