- chapter 5 -

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The hustle and bustle was nothing like Cordelia had ever seen before. The reaping was completely different in the setup as it was focused on the Capitol's want to focus on the District as a whole compared to now, where camera crews had rushed to get her and bring her to Finnick's house. Cordelia knew this was a good sign. It meant Finnick had reached the final eight. It meant he was that much closer to coming home. But the amount of Capitol workers that filled the Odair house was suffocating.

His parents were in another room with their own private team. Some were preparing them for what was going to happen while another few covered their faces in makeup to hide the stress they felt watching Finnick's games. Their dark circles were covered and their hair was fixed to look nice, rather than the knot it had tangled into through lack of care.

When the teams had finished they moved towards Cordelia. They marveled at her hair. Unique in its natural colour and shape. Cordelia had done her best at tying it half up, so it would look nice for the family and friends interview. Never having done one before she wasn't certain there would be many people around to help her look nice. A goal she wanted to achieve in an attempt to help gain Finnick any sponsors who may still be holding out. Some of her hair had fallen out of place on her half walk-half jog over.

The pieces that had fallen from where they were originally tied up, curled around and fell over her face towards the strands left to curl behind her shoulder.

"Oh isn't this red just darling?"

'"Such pretty hair, I'm so jealous."

"Just look at those curls, don't they almost look like ocean waves?"

What Cordelia could only assume was the makeup and hair team had all but surrounded her. They were dressed in outlandish colours and some had odd Capitol enhancements, one lady was even blue. It was difficult to think with them all standing so close and she froze as they started picking at her and her clothes.

Cordelia could feel her hair being lifted from all sides and angles. Another man started tilting her head and squeezing her cheeks. The blue lady rubbed the fabric of her dress between her fingers and brushed over the woolen cardigan she had on.

It was Finnick's, the same one he'd let her borrow on reaping day. She'd tried to convince herself it might work to create a compelling story to help Finnick somehow, but it was really just for her comfort. Cordelia knew that. A little voice in the back of her mind told her. Regardless, she had it with her now, and no matter what these Capitol people said, she'd be keeping it on. This was one of the few times she wasn't sat in front of a screen watching Finnick's every move. Due to his popularity and the group he was still in a full career pack, there were few times they weren't on screen.

It was as though leaving the hunger games behind her was like turning her back on Finnick. It hurt. But she agreed to come when his parents had asked if she wanted to be interviewed. Agreed because this may be the only time she could have any effect on the games and this was the only opportunity she had to help Finnick. Unfortunately, that meant while she did that, she wouldn't be able to watch. The idea that Finnick could die and she wouldn't even know, that she may be attempting to save him and he would already be dead was terrifying. But it was a risk she needed to take. For Finnick.

When she focused back on the world around her, part of the camera crew had set up lighting in a corner of the living room. Cordelia assumed that was where the interviews would take place.

Finnick's parents stood awkwardly to the side as the camera crew rushed around them. Cordelia watched the finished makeup and hair team move towards her. They sat her down in a chair and she closed her eyes at the sight of an oncoming brush. As it moved across her eyelid Cordelia could feel the scratchy glitters cover her eyelid. With her eyes now closed she could only hear the world around her. The shuffling of feet, quick words exchanged, even the faint buzz the camera and electrical equipment gave off.

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