- chapter 13 -

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Mags had pretty much forced Finnick into a room at her house. Her excuse was 'There's too much space in this house for just me.' Which was true but unnecessary. Despite the Capital offering Finnick the option to take up residency in another house in Victor's Village, which he refused, immensely. Maybe he didn't want to be alone in a house that big, or maybe he didn't want to leave Mags after they'd been staying with the woman for the past few days. Whatever his reason was, he was happy to keep Mags company.

But it wasn't like Finnick would be alone if he did choose to move into his new house. Cordelia spent most of her time with him and Mags. She saw them more than she saw her own parents. The last time she had seen them she'd tried to explain without sharing Finnick's personal issues. Things like that weren't for her to tell. If Cordelia was going to be honest, she thought they would put up more of a fight than they did. Instead, they heard her out and said 'okay'. She wasn't sure why that bothered her so much but it did.

There had been almost no effort at all to get her to stay. They hadn't questioned how she'd been or if she was doing alright. The last time she'd seen them properly before that moment was at Finnick's parents' funeral. Neither Finnick and Cordelia nor her parents had spoken that day, one of the few people who hadn't come up to talk to either of them. Originally Cordelia thought it was just out of respect for Finnick. To give him some space while he grieved.

After Finnick and her had returned to Mags's house after sending the boats out, Cordelia wanted to make a quick run to her actual house to retrieve some dry clothes. Mags had been letting her borrow clothes for the moment and Finnick had used some of his monthly earnings to buy some new clothes for himself. He'd offered to buy Cordelia some, but she told him she didn't need any as she had some and could just go get them. Urging him not to waste his money. He'd rebutted that it wouldn't be a waste and that he had more money than he knew what to do with. Finnick hadn't wanted to let her go out on her own to get clothes from her parent's house.

"It's not safe." He claimed.

"Finnick it's just in town, I'll be back before you know it. Besides I haven't spoken to them in a while, it would be good for me to talk to them, and explain where I've been."

"But, it's not safe. Please Delia let me come with you."

"There is nothing dangerous to me out there. Finnick go shower. I'll be back before you're done."

Despite letting her leave, Cordelia could still feel his hesitation at letting her go alone. But she would be fine. She knew how to defend herself and it wasn't like her parents were going to attack her.

The whole conversation lasted less than five minutes. In the end, she'd made it back to Mags's house with a bag full of clothes and a frown. Finnick was waiting on the porch and hurried down to meet her as she arrived.

"Are you okay? Delia? You're not hurt are you?" Cordelia forced a smile, she wasn't physically hurt but when her parents looked at her it was like she didn't exist. They'd barely acknowledged her while she was there. If she hadn't spoken directly to them it might've been as though she wasn't there at all.

"I'm fine Finn. Would you be able to put these in my room? I'm just going to shower, then I'll be right down."


˙· 𓆝.° 。˚𓆛˚。 °.𓆞 ·˙


"Finnick, where are my clothes?"

"In your room?" He tried. Cordelia sighed.

"No Finnick, they're not and I think you know that."

"Here, let me show you." Finnick stood from his seat on the couch, leaving whatever book he had been reading in his place, grabbed her hand and led her upstairs. He walked past the room Cordelia knew was hers. Mags had shown her that exact room when she'd offered Cordelia a space in her home. She remembered the blankets Mags had kindly added to the bed so Cordelia wouldn't be cold at night when the temperatures dropped. Instead, he passed Mags's room, the master bedroom in the middle of the hallway and towards the opposite end.

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