- chapter 20 -

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Music blared and the chariot lurched forward, once outside Cordelia struggled to see. The sun glared down and she took a moment to adjust. Rows and rows of seats filled with Capitol residents.

Remember what Mags said, everyone is watching, all the time. Or something along those lines. Instantly Cordelia smiled and waved at the crowd, who cheered louder now that she had interacted with them. Elliot seemed less interested in the first section of crowds. He looked around disinterested for a moment then faced the front. Probably waiting for the end of the ride crowds, where only the richest and most influential sat. The President's Circle.

Always watching, she repeated, always watching. Looking up she understood that warning's true meaning. Large screens loomed overhead, giving close-up views of tributes. Every now and then they would change, switching between Districts. All screens showed the same District, which meant, even those at the end of the parade could see then now, watch how they acted. The game was on.

Throughout the ride Cordelia smiled and waved, blowing kisses now and again at Capitolites who were starting to look bored. Cordelia felt for the Districts behind her, especially Districts like Eleven and Twelve. If the Capitol was getting bored at District Four, how were the later Districts supposed to make a good impression, no one would be focused enough to care. Cordelia wished them luck but focused back on herself. She took care to interact with both sides of the parade, which might work out in her favour, seeing as Elliot had yet to interact positively with the crowd. Once or twice Cordelia had caught him sneering. That was one way to avoid getting sponsors. When he'd said he didn't want sponsors she thought he might have been joking, or maybe he had not yet thought it through. She had noticed that he had started smirking the closer they got to the President's Circle.

Cordelia hadn't missed the amount of white flowers being thrown her way, combined with the cheering of her name. Most landed on the ground and were passed, but some landed within the chariot. Those she picked up and smelled, white roses that smelt sickly sweet. With their perfume so prominent Cordelia almost wanted to throw them away, but that would not be good for her image. So she sucked it up and put one behind her ear, which caused someone to scream-cheer so loud many people around them winced and covered their ears.

"That one's mine! That one's mine!"

Still smiling she waved and blew some more kisses, noticing the screens had cut back to her despite them supposed to be displaying District Eight. Mentally she apologised, but inside she was proud. She must've done something right to earn more screen time. Hopefully, Mags and Finnick could see her now, she prayed that they were watching and were as proud of her as she was proud of herself right now.

The entire parade ride lasted about twenty minutes. Then another five minutes were spent just circling the President's Circle while they waited for all the Districts to arrive. Once Twelve made it, the chariots did a final lap before separating into two equal lines facing the President's mansion. Snow's mansion.

The music slowed to a stop and Cordelia took the chance to take everything in without being as overwhelmed. Still, everyone was dressed in bright colours with one colour central to their outfit. Many had makeup that, from this distance, distorted their faces and Cordelia had to look away. When echoing footsteps pounded towards the podium, positioned high above the tributes, Cordelia felt her attention draw away from the crowd and let herself focus on the podium which now had President Snow standing behind it.

"Welcome. Welcome. Tributes, we welcome you. We salute your courage and your sacrifice. And we wish you, a Happy Hunger Games. And may the odds be ever in your favor."

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