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Ahyeon - Am I fine now ? Like can I get a discharge from here I don't feel like living here anymore I wanna go out . *Pouty face*

Nurse - Lemme confirm it from our seniors .


After 20 mins......

Nurse - yeah you are well now ! You can get a discharge. *With a smile on her face *

Ahyeon gets up and packs her stuffs when suddenly someone knocks at her door

Ahyeon - come in

It's the old Man ....

Old Man - where are you going? Where will you live ? It's a new country for you and you don't even know anyone. Do one thing you come to my house you can live there no need of rent coz you're like a daughter to me now. I'll appreciate it if you think about it . *With a smile on his face *

Ahyeon - No No it's ok it's ok. Since it's my revenge time I can't let anyone drag into this matter I need to be dependent upon myself only.

Old Man - As you say ! But take care of yourself and if you ever think about it please lemme know .

Ahyeon - sure ☺️

Ahyeon gets out of the hospital and checks for a part-time job so she could earn some money to live and to live in rent .

Ahyeon sees a notice of a worker needed .

Ahyeon - hmm.. this job seems to be fine though since I don't have to work overnight and I'm getting a good amount of money to live. Let's go ahyeon!!! Fighting!

Ahyeon reaches the address given in the notice.

AHYEON GETS IN.... And sees a man standing in white barista outfit.

AHYEON -Excuse me! Umm actually I'm here for a part time job so can I know where your boss is ?

The barista - Actually boss isn't really available now . You can give me your name and I'll let you know if you can join in .

Ahyeon- Thank you so much here's my number pls lemme know .

Ahyeon gets out of the cafe and search for a house to live .

Ahyeon - ummm well I need to find a house according to my budget . Time to save the moneys ahyeon its no more like earlier. *sad face*

Ahyeon sees a house.... With a notice for rent .

AHYEON -omg so beautiful . Wa-wai-wait there's a notice too and says house is for rent 😭and the price is really according to my budget. omggg there's a number at the side too ! That's more amazing . Ahyeon girl you're really lucky. Yahaaaaa lemme call on this number.

Ahyeon calls .....

Ahyeon - hello!

Man on the call - yeah ??

Ahyeon - Actually I'm here for living in your house . *Ahh shit what am I saying * I mean can you rent it to me I urgently needed it I have no place to live . I'll be much more greatful to you .

Man on the call - umm yeah sure we were finding for the people too thanks for renting it . Lemme come show you the place .

Ahyeon - omooo thank you so much!

Man comes to the house with his keys on his hands

The Man - so did you like the house ?

Ahyeon - yeah it's awesome !

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