Next Day At School

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Ahyeon heads towards the school and gets to the school entrance when she notices everyone staring at her ....

Ahyeon - what's wrong with them ? Why are they again staring at me but this time the stare is diffrent from the last time , like if I committed a sin . Gosh humans scares the hell Outta me....

Ahyeon tries to smile looking at them while the students around her gives dead reaction to her ...

Ahyeon reaches the class when she sees a word "INSOLENT" written in big capital letters on her desk

Ahyeon - wtf ! Who did this ?

Choyeon comes out forward with arms crossed...

Choyeon - I did

Ahyeon - what's wrong with you ? See I didn't say much to you yesterday but that doesn't mean you'll keep on behaving like this like if I committed a sin to you

Choyeon - you did ! * Yells at ahyeon *

Ahyeon - ahh my ears girl calm down drink some water you look stressed your BP seems high too .

Choyeon - stfu you crazy bitch ! How dare you slap my taesan like that infront of me and other students ? Do you think I didn't saw anything?

Ahyeon was about to reply back but suddenly teacher steps into the class

Teacher - Everyone go back to your seats

Choyeon - I'll deal with you later ! *Giving a deadly stare to ahyeon*

Ahyeon - yeah come lets fight bitch lemme show you who I am 😏

Taesan steps into the class and sits to the right side of ahyeon ....

Teacher - ok so class I'm here to announce a teamwork task to y'all , you need to be paired up with him/ her like what he/she likes? What's his/her character maybe you'll build a empathy and understand each other and I'll be choosing the partner fo y'all!
So choyeon and Kevin
Rami and sungho
Ahyeon and Taesan

Taesan - Teacher I find it difficult to understand my partner maybe I won't try !

Ahyeon - I don't think anyone can understand you too ! You need to learn to be human first !

*Rami laughs* while sungho gives her a deadly stare

Taesan - look who's saying it 😏 Remember you slapped me yesterday in the face ?

Ahyeon - if you didn't deserved it I wouldn't had slapped you

Taesan - *rolls his eyes*

Teacher - ok silence everyone ! Ok taesan and ahyeon you guys are paired up .

Taesan and ahyeon looks at each other with disgusted face .....

Choyeon - this bitch is getting on my nerves I guess I need to do something of her .* Bites her lips*

During recess Ahyeon heads towards Taesan who would be busy talking to his gang mates when choyeon puts her leg in the middle so she could stumble and fall to the ground infront of students but to my surprise ahyeon sees it kicks choyeon's leg ignoring her cursings ....

Ahyeon - when are we going to do our homework?

Taesan - can't you see I'm really busy talking to my friend about something important just call me on a video call , we'll talk .

Ahyeon - I can't call . My phone is broken

Taesan - umm call from tablet , laptop?

Ahyeon - None

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