'Relax, Doc' Part VIII

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A.N.: Wow.. something about this gif just kinda does things to me. 

ANYWHO here's part 8 eight my loves, 2.1k words, no tw either. We begin right where we left off....

"Girl, what was that?" Isa cornered Y/N in the kitchen.

"I don't want to talk about it."

"Oh no, we are most definitely talking about it." She insisted. "I'm not stupid you know, you've been glued to your phone texting for the past couple of weeks, and I've heard his voice over your calls nearly every day now!"

"So, out with it." Isa folded her arms. "Are you or are you not dating a professor?"

"I am NOT dating a professor!!" Y/N exclaimed loudly, then remembered how thin the walls of the apartment were. "I'm not." She repeated, quieter.

"Do you wish you were?" Isa raised an eyebrow. Y/N stared at her, but Isa pushed harder. "Do you?"

"Maybe?" Y/N put her head in her hands. "Oh, this is such a mess."

Isa giggled softly, her laugh soon transforming into a full-blown cackle.

Y/N groaned. "Shut up!"

Isa sighed, wiping a mirthful tear from her eyes. "Hey, hey, listen to me."

"I don't want to!" Y/N moped, running to the couch and draping a blanket over her head. "You're making fun of me."

Isa followed her path to the living room, sitting on the end of the sofa. "I'm serious, Y/N."

Y/N lifted her head from its blanket home, looking at her in defeat. "What?"

"I may tease you sometimes-"

"All the time-"

"Frequently, I may tease you frequently." Isa checked her nails as she spoke. "But if there's one thing I can say without teasing, it's that you're living every one of his students' dreams right now."


"Come on, Y/N, the poor guy's infatuated with you, can't you see it in his eyes?"

Y/N's jaw dropped. "N-no, wh- how?"

"-at this point it's so cute, I'm not even jealous." Isa continued. "Honey, he walked you home, even with me there! He can't stand me! And I spent the whole time third-wheeling. I mean come on, the leaf fight? You should've seen the expression on his face after you pushed him into that pile."

Y/N blinked. "I'd imagine it was 'surprise'?"

"He's in love with you, Y/N." Isa said, almost exasperated at this point. "I wouldn't be surprised if his pupils made little hearts every time he looked at you."

Y/N tightened the blanket around her body, breathing slowly. "...Well, what am I supposed to do with that information?"

"Talk to him!"

"It's not like I can just tell him I'm in love with him!" Y/N sighed. "I'm doing an eval of his class, we're working together!"

"When's the eval over?"

"Friday." Y/N answered. "That's when my report has to be finished, which also happens to be his birthday."

"Are you doing anything for his birthday?"

"I was gonna get him a present-"

"More than that, Y/N."

"I don't know! It depends on all his friends, his coworkers. If they're called out on a case, then maybe, but I'm not going to pull him away from his friends if they're in town, andIdon'twanttointroducemyselforhaveSpencerfeelforcedtointroduceme-"

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