'Secret's Out'

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"Secret's Out" - SSA Y/N X SSA Reid

In which Garcia shows up at her coworker/good friend Y/N's apartment one morning to find Reid had spent the night. There will be another part in which she struggles to not spill the beans to the whole team.

THIS ONESHOT IS PG-13. Not for gore or swearing or dark stuff, (in fact this oneshot is very comical), but it's got some obvious sexual themes. In this fic Y/N and Spencer have recently entered a secret relationship. There's maybe swearing? (If so, it's minimal). I suppose this one counts as steamy? Innuendo is present and while it's never described in detail ofc, it is BLATANTLY obvious that Y/N and Reid have been engaging in various... adult activities.

(Also Garcia's nickname for Y/N is "Chickadee", idk, I just think it's cute and fits the vibes.)

*knock knock kn-knock knock, knock knock*

Garcia tapped on the door of Y/N's apartment in a musical rhythm. After a few moments, Y/N answered the door in a bathrobe, looking a little disheveled.

"Hey there, Chickadee." Garcia grinned. "I heard you were sick a couple of days ago, so I thought I'd bring some goodies by to cheer you up." She raised a small basket of muffins in emphasis.

"Awwh," Y/N put her hand to her heart. "Penelope you are too kind, you know that?"

"I don't believe there are such things as 'too kind'."

"You know I've actually been feeling a lot better lately." Y/N said. "Yesterday I was back to my regular self."

"That's good to hear." Garcia smiled. "Could I come in then? We are long-overdue for some girl talk."

Y/N shifted, looking nervous. "Um, sure, for a little bit."

Garcia happily walked past Y/N to sit at the counter, setting down the basket of muffins. "This whole week I've been stress-baking from our last case."

Y/N wrinkled her nose in agreement. "Yeah, that one was a doozy."

"But thanks to that I now possess every flavor of muffin known to man."

Y/N chuckled. "Every flavor?"

"Go on, try one." Garcia nudged the basket towards her. Y/N obliged, reaching across the counter and picking out a muffin. She took a bite.

"Woah, this is delicious." She mumbled, her mouth full. "You've got mad skills, Penelope."

"Hold on, Chickadee." Penelope was focused on something else now. "Do that thing you just did again."

"What?" Y/N asked, confused. "...You've got mad skills?"

She shook her head. "No, when you reached your arm out-"

"Like this?" She copied the motion.

"Aha! I knew I wasn't just seeing things!"

Y/N pulled her arm back. "Seeing what?" A slight blush was reaching her face.

"Honey, I know a hickey when I see one." Garcia said. "Right under the collar of that bathrobe."


"Don't try to hide it!" Garcia teased. "What is this, high school?"

Y/N sighed. She pulled the collar slightly down to expose a large, reddish-purple hickey. "Okay, so what?"

Spencer Reid X Reader Oneshots- LimerenceWhere stories live. Discover now