'Relax, Doc' Part IX (Finale)

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I've adored this fic, but I'm also really excited to introduce y'all to some new oneshots. Thanks for all the love ofc!!!

Okay, part NINE (jeez) and it's almost 3.2k words lol, and we start with a lil bit of Spencer's POV :)

Friday, October 28th

The alarm next to Spencer's beside table shuddered as it blared, scampering away from his outstretched arm and falling onto the floor with an audible clang.

Spencer winced at the noise, groaning as he rolled over, a harsh ray of sunlight peeking through a small gap in his blackout curtains. He couldn't postpone it any longer, he really should get up.

Today was Spencer's birthday. He was 35 years old. He didn't feel anywhere near 35. The faint remnants of a headache from the night before and a dull throbbing in his neck and upper back made him feel 65. He really should stop hunching over while he read, or maybe the ache was from talking to people a lot shorter than he was-

Oh, Y/N. Backache is worth it, then.

Spencer yawned and rubbed his eyes before feeling around the top of his nightstand for his glasses. They were gone; the alarm clock must've knocked them off too. Spencer crawled out of bed onto his hands and knees, searching under his bed for the shrieking alarm clock. He found it, and ripped out the battery as quickly as possible. It took a few more seconds to find his glasses, and once he did, he noticed just how crooked they sat on the bridge of his nose, and he didn't have time to fix them. Great.

Spencer started his first pot of coffee for the day and glanced around at the party decorations intermixed with the Halloween decor all over his apartment. They would have no use tonight, unfortunately. But he'd already gone to all the trouble of putting them up, so he might as well keep them up until the team could actually come over, right?

He checked his phone. No new notifications.

It must be a hard case. He had to rationalize this, otherwise he'd get stuck overthinking, spiralizing the whole situation out of control. He'd had plenty of time to do that in the past, but today was no such time. He had an 11 am lecture and it was already 10:30. That was time for only one book to read before his drive to campus.

Spencer drank his coffee, brushed his teeth, drank more coffee, and put in his contacts with only a minor struggle. In between every task and a couple chapters of his book, he was checking his phone.

No new notifications.

Not even Y/N? He felt a little sad at the thought. Today was the last day of their eval. After this, she never had to interact with him again if she didn't choose to. Had she just felt bad, and continued to act as though they were friends until she could be rid of him on the very last day?

He needed to get Y/N off his mind. Now wasn't the time to get distracted thinking about her coffee order, or her warm smile, the perfect leaf she'd found for him, or the way she'd hugged him tight the day after he'd spilled his guts to her all night. She had fit her arms perfectly around his torso, at just the right height for him to rest his chin atop her head. He needed to stop thinking about her laugh, or the little shrill shriek/laugh that she'd released when they'd been chasing each other around the quad like a couple of teenagers, with her face all flushed with exertion and her eyes shining as they tangled in the leaves.

Spencer could feel his face heating up. This wasn't normal behavior of his, it was very rare that he could ever attach himself emotionally to others in such an unguarded way, without a crippling fear of rejection. Y/N had never once rejected him. She listened to him, whatever it was that he was going on about. And she seemed to like it, or at least pay attention.

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