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(Undercover AU! SSA Y/N L/N x SSA Spencer Reid)

Background: Y/N goes undercover in a club just to piss off ~S14 Reid after poor communication on his part after their first date.

Reid's a dork but a bit possessive and quick to get jealous

Y/N's a tease, mostly bark with a bit of a bite, the result's a bit steamy later, this chapter's the leadup. Lots of banter and such.

Hope y'all like, this part's roughly 1.9k words :)

Four days. Roughly. More than 90 whole hours since Spencer kissed her. He'd actually kissed her. Y/N replayed the memory in her head for the millionth time.

They'd finally gone out on a date after months of schedule conflicts and nervousness and over a year of pining (at least on her part). He'd dropped her off at her place after a day at the museum and a romantic dinner... and then he kissed her.

Sort of. Barely even a peck before he was dashing for the stairs. And now he wasn't saying anything about it? They'd barely spoken at all since. What happened to the late-night phone calls? The friendly banter, the obscure book/movie references? It wasn't like they could hide from each other, they're coworkers, and they've been friends for years. She was growing more irritated with him after every passing hour. If he wasn't really interested in a relationship, he could at least be decent enough to tell her that. She thought they were friends.

Y/N's grip on her pencil tightened as she listened to Prentiss instructing the team.

"Witness reports say a man matching the description of our unsub frequents a popular club downtown. Four of the five victims can be placed at this club in the weeks leading up to their deaths, so it's safe to say they met him there. In a few hours we'll have teams securing the area and agents underc-"

Her pencil snapped. "I'll do it." Y/N piped up. She desperately needed the distraction.

"Do what?" Prentiss asked, blinking at the interruption.

"Sorry...I'll go undercover." Y/N slowed down. "You need someone, don't you? I'm volunteering."

She felt Reid's eyes boring holes into her head, and she looked across the table to meet his gaze. His brow was furrowed. Y/N raised an eyebrow as if to say: 'What?'

Emily nodded her head. "I was already planning on having you participate, actually, seeing as you seem to fit the unsub's type, but I'm glad you're eager. I'll have Alvez and Simmons in there to keep tabs in case something goes awry."

Spencer cleared his throat. "I could go too." He looked back at Y/N, who rolled her eyes.

"I'd prefer to have you in the trailer we'll have outside, listening to the mic feed." Prentiss said. "You'll be able to provide instructions to teams outside and in."

"Right, makes sense." Spencer dipped his head, and Y/N suppressed a smirk.

"Okay, I think that settles it." Emily closed her file. "We'll meet back to get things started in two hours. You have until then." The team stood up to disperse, and Y/N took a minute to collect her things before she made a beeline for the door.


She froze. Everyone else had left the room. Spencer stepped in front of her.

"What do you think you're doing?" His voice was lower, more serious than usual.

Spencer Reid X Reader Oneshots- LimerenceWhere stories live. Discover now