In the extreme cold outside Part 14

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The Ice Age has begun its prologue.

In the southern city of Tianhai, heavy snow began to fall, stirring various discussions online. Some people complained, while others felt fortunate.

However, what they didn't know was that this snowfall and the significant drop in temperature were not temporary but would persist and even intensify.

Eventually, it would bring a disaster that no one could withstand.

At this moment, Zhang Yi was lying comfortably on the sofa at home, enjoying the warm temperature of over 20 degrees inside his safe house, while savoring a chilled Budweiser beer, feeling very content.

Suddenly, his phone started ringing.

He picked it up and saw that people were chatting in his messaging groups.

These included groups with his former classmates, hobby groups, and the residential community group.

"My God, why did it suddenly start snowing so heavily? The weather forecast didn't mention this!"

"I was frozen awake in the middle of the night and had to turn on the air conditioner quickly."

"Don't even mention it, our lousy air conditioner's heating is so ineffective. It's been half a day, and it's getting colder."

"I wonder how long this cold weather will last. I haven't even bought my winter clothes yet!"

Everyone was discussing fervently, expressing their feelings in various ways.

However, Zhang Yi could sense that most people did not take the sudden drop in temperature seriously; instead, some were even pleasantly surprised.

Zhang Yi knew very well that this was only temporary.

He yawned and decided not to continue reading.

Returning to his warm bed, Zhang Yi covered himself with a velvet thin blanket and comfortably closed his eyes.

His bed was very comfortable, a high-quality item moved from a Walmart warehouse.

Especially the mattress, rumored to be the same model used by a certain female celebrity, worth 3 million.

Outside, the heavy snow and howling cold wind contrasted sharply with the burning fireplace inside, creating a pleasant temperature.

In such a comfortable environment, Zhang Yi quickly fell asleep.


The next morning, Zhang Yi was awakened by the ringing of his phone.

He opened his eyes and saw that it was a call from Bai Lianhua Fang Yuqing.

Being woken up from a good dream naturally put him in a bad mood.

He picked up the phone and asked irritably, "Hello, why are you calling me so early in the morning?"

Fang Yuqing was taken aback by Zhang Yi's cold tone.

However, she quickly said, "Zhang Yi, it's so cold outside today! Did you stock up on supplies because you knew it would get this cold?"

Fang Yuqing's voice trembled slightly, as if she was trying hard to endure something.

Zhang Yi's mouth curled into a mocking smile upon hearing this.

As expected, this white lotus would not come to him without a reason.

He lazily said, "I just heard it mentioned by a friend, but I didn't expect the temperature to drop so drastically."

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