Dead Man Walking

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[Nojiko] Okay, come find us when you're done.

Nojiko goes to assist Genzo. With the girl's voice gone from his ears, Ges moves in the direction of the store Ges believes the entry to be boarded up, but it appears the planks fortifying it were hacked in half using a kind of ax. She gave the door a kick and it flew open, revealing the dark inside.

[Ges] Hello...? I just heard someone from here moments ago, you okay?

Looking to her right, Ges noticed cash registers but couldn't see the girl. Then, turning to her left, her mouth fell open. A young girl, probably no older than ten, was lying down lifeless in a pool of blood. Her slender frame gave the impression that she hadn't eaten in days, and a pistol was perched just above her hand. Upon closer inspection, Ges discovered that she had sustained a gunshot wound to the head.


Ges shook the girl, but she didn't move a muscle, she was truly gone. When Ges turned her over, she had a note pinned to her back.

[Ges] Dear mom, dad, sal and sammy. Sorry for running away, I thought I could do this by myself. I'm so stupid. I'm stuck here because all of those things are blocking the door, no matter how hard I try, they won't go away. Whoever reads this, please tell my family. You can also have the gun, it still has bullets, and I have some in my pocket. Goodbye now.

Ges let go of the note and it fell to the ground. The corners of her eyes began to well up with tears, but she brushed them away swiftly. Taking the revolver, she proceeded to search the girl's pocket for the rounds. She then ventured further into the store to locate some boats. It appeared that the store had been looted, as nothing of value was left inside. It was only when she walked to the back of the store that she noticed the boats. A shelf held two reasonably sized motorboats, conveniently. That no one had taken them seemed a little strange.

[Ges] ...Strange that these weren't taken...but I guess because the place was locked shut...poor girl, I wish I was here in time...

She noticed the boat's wheels as she peered underneath it. There was also a chain connecting the two boats, which she unfastened. Then she gave the shelf a forceful kick, denting it and sending the boats overturned.

[Ges] Okay...that's good.

Ges proceeded to grab the boat and noticed that it was composed of a lightweight material, possibly a combination of plastic and aluminum. After managing to topple both of them, she fastened one boat to the other using chains. After she climbed onto the boat, she began to realize something.

[Ges] Please come with gasoline..please come with gasoline...

The motorboat started when she hit the start button, causing the engine to accelerate. Given that it produced an insanely loud noise, it now makes sense why the girl chose not to take them. It would have drawn the undead in. And with that, Ges grabbed the wheel. Pressing the throttle, Ges accelerated to break through the store wall at top speed. She had no idea what she was doing, having never driven a boat in particular. She just kept the wheel straight and let the boat go wherever it would.

[Ges] Aaaaaaaaahahhhhh!! Wait wait- have to turn left, that's where they are-

She quickly arrived at the scene by turning the wheel to the left. Tens of undead were piled on top of one another; some had been beheaded others had only half of their faces left. However, Ges observed an oddity. Nojiko was there, but she was hunched over and wearing a terrified look. She was gripping Genzo's arm as he was clinging onto his. Ges then turned off the engine and hurried over to check on them.

[Ges] Hey guys....I found the boat...

After witnessing that girl's body, Ges was still a little shocked. It was just a tragic event; she looked so young. But looking at Nojiko, the expression on her face was eerily unpleasant. She had a terrified gaze. That's when Ges noticed what Nojiko had her eye on. Genzo has severe injuries to his arm. He had a large section of flesh removed, exposing some of his muscle and bone. Even with Genzo putting pressure to the wound, blood continued to spray out.

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