Petals and Bloodshed (Filler)

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With a final teleport, Chiharu landed a powerful spin kick aimed at Leslie's face, the impact sending her spinning and knocking several teeth loose, blood staining her mouth. The force of the blow sent Leslie crashing to the ground, stunned.

[Chiharu] *walking over to Leslie's body* Play time was fun but I've got other things to attend to.

Chiharu approached Leslie's body and mercilessly stomped on her rib cage multiple times, each impact accompanied by sickening cracking noises. As more blood spilled from Leslie's mouth, she struggled to catch her breath.

[Chiharu] I was playing with you like a pet, how could you be so tired already?

[Leslie] huff...huff...ugh... it hurts..

Chiharu then picked her up and flung her across the room with a brutal force, making a thud noise. The noise caught Chansu and Ema's attention, who were with Shido while he sniped the remaining grunts on the boat.

[Ema] She doesn't seem to be doing well, I'll even the odds a bit-ya.

[Chansu] Please be careful, if you need help, give me a holler.

[Ema] I know-ya.

As Chiharu advances towards Leslie once more, Ema teleports between them with an irritated expression, then quickly charges at Chiharu with her sword, enveloped in pressurized air. She unleashes a barrage of poke strikes, but Chiharu dodges them, the wind from each strike slicing through his coat but not piercing him.

[Ema] What did you do to HER-ya?

[Chiharu] We just had a bit of a tussle, it was nothing serious.

[Ema] Nothing serious, my cheeks. We'll see how you'll fare against me-ya.

Ema did a final slice and Chiharu did a backflip to get distance between them.

[Chiharu] Why don't you use that technique that you used against my men?

[Ema] Hmph, seems you know a bit more than I thought. I have a bit of common sense to know that you're stronger than them, and you've not shown any sort of emotion yet.

[Chiharu] One thing that I do know is that it works on those with weak will and who have a fear of something. Unfortunately not many people could defend themselves against that, unless they were faster than air itself or had something to contain the air. But how could you decipher your air from normal air that we breathe in?

[Ema] That's the thing, you're not supposed to. Kaze o taberu hito-ya.

Ema drew the shape of a W with her sword, and a powerful wind began to swirl around her, gradually taking the form of a menacing demon. The demon charged towards Chiharu, its eerie laughter echoing through the air, but Chiharu stood still. Just as the demon was about to enter him, Chiharu did a light kick, causing the demon to dissipate completely, vanishing into thin air.

[Ema] Hmph, I expected that, just wouldn't hurt to try-ya.

[Chiharu] Shave.

Teleporting beside Ema, Chiharu attempted to backhand her, but she quickly raised her sword to block. They clashed, and Chiharu winced as his hand began to bleed from the sharpness of Ema's blade.

[Ema] Why switch to using hands now, and with no haki huh, you seem brave-ya.

[Chiharu] I just wanted to even the playing field, to make it fair for a defenseless woman.

[Ema] Funny how you can say that when you saw what I did to your men-ya.

Ema pressed harder against Chiharu's palm, driving the sword deeper into his skin.

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