Chapter 7:

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Darkness filled Aidan's vision, as his eyes fluttered open. His body was completely immobile, and he was sore. He looked around the dark room, but no light was coming in or out. It was cold down here, kinda wet. It smelled of mold and water sewage. The scent made his stomach turn and he tried to move again. He was completely chained to a wall. He hung his head forward groaning softly as a pounding headache ripped through his head.

He had so many questions, none that he had answers to.

What the fuck happened? Where am I? Who were those men? How long have I been out?

He tried to answer them, but nothing came to mind, he doesn't remember ever insulting anyone besides... could it have been that guy that threatened Aidan's life with a gun on his graduation day? It only made sense; he never had a reason to fight for his life before. His throat felt dry, and he still felt a little lightheaded from the chloroform that he inhaled. He closed his eyes trying to calm his nerves, he hated this more than anything. He tried to clear his loud thoughts, as he listened for any sound that would help signal exactly where he was.

He could hear murmurs outside of the door and footsteps. Suddenly, he heard someone, a familiar voice opening the door. He was yelling at someone, cussing them out. Aidan couldn't make out whose voice it was because his head was still fogged up.

"What the fuck do you mean, you kidnapped Aidan? Have you lost your fucking mind!?"

"Sir, he attacked one of our men."

"I don't give a damn who he attacked; I said Aidan was off limits. And then you put him in this filthy basement of yours. Give me one reason why I shouldn't cut your tongue out right now. Hmm"


"I said give me a reason not to cut your tongue, not excuses."

Aidan's eyes opened and looked ahead of him, and there he saw Orlando. Orlando wasn't looking at Aidan, rage filling his eyes.

Orlando forced the man to kneel, and grab hold of his tongue, and you could hear the man screaming in pain as Orlando's knife cut through the man's pink muscle with ease. Aidan had to look away, that was not a pretty sight he needed in his mind after waking up completely drugged.

The body fell, and the screams could be heard as he was dragged away. Orlando flicked his knife close before he walked to Aidan.

"Fuck, you look fucked up. Damn it, here let me help you," the cold voice of Orlando's was soon replaced with a kind and gentle one. He unchanged Aidan from the wall and Aidan fell into Orlando's arms.

"I got you; no one's gonna hurt you again. I will make sure of it; my men will be dealt with accordingly. Here let me get you to a nice room," Orlando's eyes were filled with love and care for Aidan.

Unfortunately, Aidan couldn't see the look because he was super dazed. He felt like they drugged him with more than just chloroform. His head was heavy, and it landed on Orlando's shoulder. Orlando took him out of the basement, and took him to a spare bedroom, laying him down. He stroked Aidan's hair out of his face, before leaning down and kissing his forehead.

"Get some rest, I will get you some water."

Orlando left Aidan in the bedroom, shutting, and locking the door. He then went to the kitchen to get a glass of water and medicine for Aidan. His plans of taking care of Aidan were soon forgotten as a fight broke out. He rushed outside to see his two enemies, fighting his men.

Meanwhile, Aidan lay there on the bed. He closed his eyes trying to get a hold of reality and get over the drug quickly. Luckily, it was leaving his system rather fast, and he was starting to come to terms with what happened. Once he wasn't dizzy anymore, and back to himself, he sat up holding his head.

"Shit, I should have been paying better attention. Damn bastards," Aidan mumbled softly.

He took a few deep breaths and walked to the door and twisted the handle, seeing that he was locked in. Of course, Orlando would have locked him in the room, he slammed his shoulder against the door multiple times. He looked around the room and started searching for the room.

He didn't know what he was looking for but he knew he would need to defend himself if they had no intention of letting him go so willingly.

He walked to the window and saw a fight breaking out. He shook his head, massaging his forehead.

"How am I always in this mess?"

Aidan continued to look through the dressers and the closet. He found a wired hanger and bent it, breaking it.

"This would have to do for now until I get an actual weapon."

He walked back to the door and kicked the door with his full strength, breaking it. He got out, just as he came face to face with...



"Well, this is awkward."

"What are you doing?" Ian asked, looking Aidan up and down.

"Long story short, I allowed myself to get kidnapped and drugged. Yeah, I know. Don't wanna hear it."

"You good though?"

"Yeah, I am fine. What are you doing here?" Aidan asked as a couple of men tried to attack him and he roundhouse kicked them in the face.

"Me and Thomas were on a mission to stop the Crimson Reapers."

"Crimson Reapers?" Aidan was confused and Ian elbowed some dude in the stomach before turning around and kneeing him in the stomach.

"Yeah, they are a rival gang. They were trouble back in the day according to the boss. But they disappeared after their leader died. And now they are back and causing trouble."

"I wonder if Orlando is the boss. I faintly remember him cutting someone's tongue out for not listening to him," Aidan said. Ian flinched and looked at Aidan.

"You say that so normally."

"I mean, I was really drugged up."

"Ah... anyway want out?"

"Yeah, Orlando and I uh... have a history together. I would rather avoid him..."

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