Chapter 21:

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"What are you, an undercover cop?" Daiichi jokes, and Aidan only smiles. Daiichi stops laughing when he notices the smile. He leans close to Aidan's face, causing Aidan to back up quickly.


"You should smile more. You're cute when you do," Daiichi says. Aidan blinks several times before shoving Daiichi away.

"You're annoying, don't say stuff like that. It's weird, we just met."

"I see, so you're a tsundere?"

"What? No, shut up. Now tell me about Mr. Sato, or else I'm going to leave."

"Alright, calm down," Daiichi says, and leans against the fence. It's quiet for a moment while Daiichi gathers his thoughts.

"First, there's a rumor going around school amongst the students."


"Yeah, about him being part of the gang. It was said that a student caught him in an underground arena. Also, students have been coming up missing since he became a teacher."

"No one reported that?"

"No, there's no evidence. But the ones coming up missing aren't the girls but the guys."

"That's weird, who started the rumors?"

"A girl who graduated last year. She said she heard and saw him taking one of the weaker guys away. That same guy went missing and hasn't been found yet."

"And there's no other proof?"

"Nope, so everyone tries to stay away from him and try not to be alone around him. I was nervous about leaving you alone with him."

"I see..." Aidan trails off as he goes deep into thought.

"Dude is creepy too, one time he grabbed my belt loop to stop me from leaving his classroom," Daiichi says. Aidan narrows his eyes and nods his head.

"That is creepy."

"Yeah, so be careful around him."

"Noted, thanks."

"No problem, so why are you so interested in him?"

"He just gave me the creeps, is all. Wanted to make sure I wasn't the only one."

"Makes sense, honestly. So, what are you doing after school?"


"Hanging out with me is what I heard," Daiichi says with a grin. Aidan gives him an annoyed look.

"Nope, I sa-"

"Shh... I'm trying to be your friend here. Stop rejecting my friendship."


"Daiichi... call me Daiichi."

"Okay, Daiichi, you sound like you have other plans than being friends," Aidan deadpans.

"Huh, what are you saying?"

"You know exactly what I'm trying to say. You've been semi-flirting with me since the first class started."

"Oh? Maybe I am, but it's harmless. I'm fine with just being friends," Daiichi says with a boyish grin. Aidan stares at him before sighing softly and nodding his head. He knows he won't be able to get rid of Daiichi easily.

"You're so intolerable, you remind me of someone else I know."

"I do? Is it perhaps your boyfriend?"

"Ew, gross, no. He's just an intolerable and annoying person I know. Plus, he's older than me; no way would I date someone as old as him. He just doesn't accept no as an answer either when it comes to making new friends."

"Well, good to know that you aren't completely alone. You're so standoffish, it's a bit concerning. I was starting to think you had no friends."

"I don't know if I should take that as an insult and be extremely offended," Aidan says, narrowing his eyes.

"Eh, take it as you will. So, tell me more about yourself. This entire conversation, or close to it, has been about Mr. Creepy Sato."

"What do you want to know?"

"What's your life like? What are your hobbies? What do you hate? You know, the normal things."

"Those questions are irrelevant," Aidan says, looking off to the side. He reaches into his bag, grabbing his water bottle.

"Oh my god, you have the personality of a brick. Come on, Aidan."

"Fine. Let's see, I have an IQ of 230, my parents don't like me for this reason, and have a few friends, like... two. I prefer to stay in and do something productive versus being out around people. Is that good enough?" Aidan says this in a monotone voice, drinking from his water bottle. Daiichi just stares at him in shock.

"You say that like it's the most normal thing! You're like a super genius."

"Just genius..."

"Super genius, that's awesome. Also, in those two friends, that includes me, right? Since I'm going nowhere..."

"...Why do you want to be my friend so bad? Wait, do you know Thomas or something? Did he put you up to this?"

"What? No, of course not," Daiichi said quickly, which only caused Aidan to narrow his eyes more.

"What did he tell you to do?"

"Nothing, I don't know what you are talking about...."

"I am leaving," Aidan said, grabbing his bag. Daiichi quickly grabbed Aidan's wrist.

"Wait, okay. He just asked me to make sure you are making friends. I thought he was weird at first. But after meeting you, I see why he was concerned. I want to be your friend, not just because he told me to," Daiichi said.

"I am not a child, and I do not need to be taken care of. I have been doing that since I was young."

"Okay, I am sorry. I didn't mean to hit a nerve Aidan...forgive me," Daiichi said. Aidan sighed as Daiichi let him go, and Aidan looked up at the sky.

"I don't get the point of friendships. They just get in the way of everything. Plus, no one would understand what I go through anyway."

"They may not understand, but they can still listen to your problems."

"Tsk, emotions are useless," Aidan said. However, his actions did not reflect what he was saying.

"I know you said you were busy after school, but tomorrow. Let's hang out after classes. You will take back those words the more you hang out with friends," Daiichi said. Aidan shot him a look before looking at the sky again.

"Fine, but you can't blame me if your feelings get hurt or if you fail."

"This isn't me trying to prove or achieve anything. I just want to be your friend."

"Okay, Daiichi, I will trust you then," Aidan mumbled before leaving.

"Where are you going?"

"Class? Something you should be doing."

"After lunch, we can attend, alright?"

Aidan stared at Daiichi, who had a grin on his face. Aidan couldn't fight the smile that lightly graced his lips. He finally agreed, and sat his bag down and sat beside Daiichi again. It was quiet for once, and Aidan closed his eyes, leaning against the wall.

"So, how do you know Thomas?"

"Thomas came up to me yesterday after noticing the school uniform. He asked if I went to this school, and I told him, yeah, that's when he told me about you," Daiichi said.

"I see. He is so nosy."

"I think he just cares."

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