Chapter 15:

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Since Aidan joined two weeks ago, he was focused on tightening the security of the Royal Bastions base and information. Currently, he was locked in his room, typing furiously on his computer in the dark. His eyes narrowed once he realized information about them leaked out. He quickly hacked into the City's security and erased all of the data. He then got up from his bed, taking his computer with him.

He opened his door and Ian was standing outside of his door, holding a tray of food. Ian and Aidan both stared at each other confused and Ian held the food up.

"You didn't eat today, and Thomas couldn't deliver it."

"I don't have time right now."

"You know, you can take a break."

"Nope, something happened, I need to see the boss."

"What happened?" Ian followed Aidan as Aidan began to head to the boss.

"Our information was found in the city's security files. Meaning, they know our location, who the boss is, and how many members we have."

"Wait, so someone sold our information out?"

"Quite possibly, I don't want to jump to conclusions," Aidan said. He knocked on the door, waiting for the okay to come in. Once it came, he walked in and the boss stared at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes AJ?"

AJ walked towards the boss and opened his laptop, he looked at it confused before meeting AJ's stare.

"What is this?"

"The city is onto our location, you, and the number of people. I erased it from their system but something tells me they may have a backup file. I am gonna try and hack into it, but we may need to relocate."

"Damn, okay. I will call an emergency meeting, you do what you can."

"Yes sir~" AJ left and went to his room, while the boss called everyone to his office.

The boss looked livid, and everyone knew something serious was going on. Once everyone was in the office it was silent. Thomas was confused and Ian nudged Thomas slightly as he looked over.

"Do you know why he is upset?"

"I have a feeling it had something to do with what AJ found."

"What did he find?"

"There may be a traitor amongst us, not sure though."

"I see..."

"Listen up everyone, the City has found our location. They have all the information on us, AJ is working on deleting all that he can find. But this is no coincidence, there has to be a traitor amongst us," Everyone was confused and looked around wondering who would sell them out like that.

"Don't you think that is a bit much boss? I mean if there is, wouldn't it be AJ?" Someone spoke out.

"Yeah, he is the newest member."

"Shut up, he would never sell us out," Thomas said.

"Right, plus if that was the case do you think he would have told the boss about it? It would have been easier to let us live in ignorance," Ian finished.

"Of course, you two would defend him, after all, he was brought to us by you two."

"I have no reason to believe it would be AJ. His grandfather and I go way back, so I know for sure it's not him," the boss said. His eyes trailed to each individual before landing on a young man, who had green eyes, silver hair, and glasses. The guy tensed slightly as the boss walked toward him. Everyone's eyes followed their boss.

"Do you have anything to say?"

"W-What? I didn't do anything."

"Is that so? I have been suspicious of you since you joined, but I let it slide. If AJ finds anything connecting you to the cops, it's better that you confess now. Or I won't hesitate to kill you," the boss said. The guy began to shake slightly as he quickly shook his head.

"I swear it wasn't me..."

"Oh? So, that is your answer?"

The guy slowly nodded his head and the boss placed his hand on the guy's shoulder. Thomas and Ian both looked at each other, before looking at the scene.

"I swear it wasn't me, I have no reason to report you guys."

"He is lying, I know he is..." Another member of the gang spoke up.

"I am not!"

"I overheard your call! And I followed you, I gave the evidence to AJ and he was looking into it. I didn't want to report just in case it was nothing."

"Is that true, Jason? Did you really give the evidence to AJ to look into?" The boss asked. Jason nodded his head slightly.

"Yeah, he is probably doing more research on it now."

"Luka, you have about three seconds to explain yourself."

"AJ won't find anything. I swear, I didn't do anything!"

The boss grabbed Luka by his throat, and he turned his gaze to Thomas.

"Thomas, go get AJ and see if he found anything."

"Yes, sir." Thomas left, and walked straight to Thomas's room, before knocking on it.

"It's open."

Thomas walked in and leaned against the doorway, watching AJ work on his computer.

"The boss wants to know if you found anything?"

"Yep, I am just erasing all of this data, before they catch me in their server. That Luka dude is so dead..."

"So he did sell us out?"

"Yep, the city's hacker had Luka's information and the file that Luka reported. He is actually a spy, with the FBI. So that being said, we have to move locations ASAP."

Aidan shut down his computer and walked out of the room with Thomas after erasing his traces. Thomas nodded his head, and wrapped an arm around AJ's shoulder. AJ glanced at Thomas before removing his arm and Thomas puffed his cheeks out.

"Still so cold!"

"Oh shut it," AJ rolled his eyes. He walked into the office swirling his hard drive between his fingers. All eyes were on AJ, and he could feel the tension.

"The evidence is on this hard drive," he told the boss. The boss took it and put it on his computer. Luka was sweating slightly, and AJ looked at him shaking his head slightly.

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