Chapter 25:

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It was quiet on the way to the cafe. Aidan was trying to find a way to explain everything to Daiichi without freaking him out too much. Daiichi didn't rush Aidan, knowing whatever it was, it would need time to explain.

"I guess, I start from the very beginning... It started at graduation. I graduated a few weeks ago, two weeks ago to be exact. When I left the graduation hall, I walked home. It was a normal day really. Keep in mind that I lived alone. My parents wanted nothing to do with me, my grandpa had custody of me before he passed away. Then the courts had emancipated me since I was mature, had tons of money, my gramps left me, etc. Plus my high IQ, they didn't see any reason why I couldn't live on my own as long as I continued school which was also my grandfather's wish even though I could have graduated earlier. Anyway back on topic, after graduating Ian, who you haven't met yet and Thomas was fighting some dude. I only got involved by pure unfortunate luck, I turned the corner and the guy grabbed me using me or trying to use me as bait. Similar to what Sato tried to do with you. He had said he was going to kill me, but my grandfather taught me self-defense, so I used that to protect myself. Following me so far?" Aidan asked.

"So, after all of that, Thomas and this Ian person didn't leave you alone?"

"How did you know?"

Daiichi cracked a small grin on his face, "Well, you said I remind you of Thomas."

"Well that is true, and yeah you are right. They kept breaking into my house, and following me around. They wanted me to join them. I kept rejecting the idea of even joining them at first because my real goal was to be a teacher. God thought that pisses me off," Aidan mumbled and Daiichi laughed slightly.

They arrived at the cafe and placed their orders before sitting in the back. Daiichi started eating, as Aidan sipped his coffee.

"Anyway, oh, I guess I should introduce a new character to this story, Orlando."


"Yeah, I graduated with him, and we were kinda friends? Kinda keyword, like I could tolerate him sometimes, we were partnered up on several school projects and I tutored him often. Pretty much when I wasn't working, I would spend some time with him. Anyway that graduation day, I went to a graduation party w-"

"Wait, you went to a graduation party? You? At a party?" Daiichi narrowed his eyes a bit not believing Aidan.

"Yeah, it was my way to escape Thomas and Ian at the time."

"Okay, that makes sense."

"Anyway, yeah I went to the graduation party after defending myself, that graduation day. When I arrived, I stood in the corner until Orlando came and we ended up going outside because it was crowded and stuffy in the house. We talked a bit and whatnot, and then suddenly he kissed me. Dude took my first kiss, that pisses me off too. I was so annoyed and angry."

"Oh man, I am so sorry...I would be too... Does he play a part more in this story?"

"Unfortunately, yes... a few days later maybe it was the next day can't remember when I went to work, and I will skip all of those details, let's just say I was a host/waiter, one in which I was popular with the girls... anyway one of the girls wanted to go on a date and my co-worker who was older then me but saw me as a brother which in a way he was. Someone that was always there, to check in on me told the girl yes. I was annoyed more but whatever. I was gonna meet with her, but I ended up kidnapped. Still with me?"

"You have very interesting people in your life and it seems you attract people like me and Thomas in your life... I mean the co-worker saying yes for you? Totally something Thomas would do."

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