Chapter 20:

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The class dragged on, and he couldn't focus on the assignments. It was hard when he was a genius who was from America. The things they were teaching in English weren't exactly grammatically right. He didn't correct them, knowing it would make him look like a douche bag. So he let a small sigh out and looked out the window.

When the teacher passed by, a note was dropped on his desk. He glanced at the teacher before over at Daiichi. Aidan picked up the letter, wondering if he should read it or not. He looked over at Daiichi again, who motioned him to go ahead and read it. Aidan opened it up before his eyes skimmed over the writing.

'We should hang out after school, especially if you are busy during breaks and lunch. Here is my number, 000-5555-0101. I don't think we have all the same classes. It would be fun to hang out.'

Aidan quickly scribbled his response back before passing it back to Daiichi.

'Sorry, can't hang out. Parents are strict...' he easily wrote the lie and handed it back. Daiichi puffed his cheeks before writing his response back on the paper.

'Come on. They can't be as strict as my parents. We are 16-years-old. We have to live life before we get old. Please keep my number....'

Aidan read it and rolled his eyes before taking his phone out. He took Daiichi's number before sending a quick text. Just as he placed his phone in his pocket, the class ended.

"Aidan, stay after class for me, please. I need to talk to you about your entrance exam scores," Mr. Sato, Aidan's teacher, said.

"Okay, Mr. Sato," Aidan packed his bags, and Daiichi nudged Aidan slightly again.

"Text me later, okay? We can hang out, and I can show you around."

"Alright... I will try," Aidan said. Daiichi smiled and left once Aidan was alone. He walked over to Sato.

"So, the person I want you to give special treatment to... is the principal."

"I am sorry? What?"

"Yeah, the principal is a terrible guy."

"Terrible guy? What has he done?"

"He has been known to host dog fights in unground arenas, kidnapping children, etc."

"Is that so?"

"Yeah, I would do it myself since I don't have family... but-"

"Stop right there," Aidan cut him off.


"You don't have a family?"


"That's not what you told my boss."


"You told my boss that you needed me to assassinate someone because they threatened you and your family. You feared for your family's life."

".... I can explain I-"

"Yeah, you are going to explain. Because I need to know what I am doing before doing it," Aidan snapped.

"Remember, I am the client and paying."

"You didn't pay shit. Mind you. We are doing you a favor," Aidan said. Suddenly Sato went to hit him, but Aidan quickly dodged it.

"Listen here, brat, you are to kill the Principal. You failed and refused to do what I said, or I will tell your boss. Don't forget me, and he goes way back."

Aidan narrowed his eyes. He got a weird feeling about Sato. Aidan didn't trust anything coming out of his mouth, but he didn't show it. The break bell ended, and he grabbed his book bag.

"I gotta get to class. We will have this talk after school."

"Very well," Sato said. Aidan left, but he could feel Sato's eyes bore through him. Once he was out of sight, he grabbed his phone and began to text Thomas and Ian.

To: Ian, Thomas
From: AJ
'I need you guys to meet me... now. I am leaving school early.'

From: Thomas
To: AJ
'Is everything okay? Ian is meeting with the boss.'

To: Thomas
From: AJ
'It's about the client. I have a bad feeling.'

To: AJ
From: Thomas
'The boss is about to send us on a mission, so we can't meet up. But do what you feel is right.'

To: Thomas
From: AJ
'Tsk, alright. I will fill you guys in later then.'

He turned his phone off and made his way toward the exit, but Daiichi and Hana both stopped him. He cursed and turned towards them when they flashed him a smile.

"Aidan! You have headed the wrong way to class. No worries, I can show-"

"Sorry, I have to go."

"Dude, it's fine. If you wanna skip, I will skip with you."

"Suzuki, you can't just skip. Don't teach him bad habits." Hana scolded, and Aidan sighed. He wouldn't be able to get anything done if those two stuck to him like glue.

"Oh hush Hana, let's go, Aidan," Daiichi grabbed Aidan's hand and pulled him away.

"Daiichi!" Hana yelled as he ran with Aidan. Aidan glanced back at Hana, and she huffed. Aidan mouthed an apology, and she waved it off with a small smile.

"Should you be skipping?" Aidan asked once they reached the rooftop.

"Eh, I do it all the time."

"Your grades?"


"Then you shouldn't be skipping," Aidan said.

"You sound like Hana. Don't be a stick in the mud," Daiichi said. Aidan rolled his eyes slightly, and Daiichi laid back as he pulled a magazine out of his bag. Aidan looked at the magazine, and he had to fight back a blush. He turned his head to the side and went to the other side of the roof.

"Where are you going?"

"Over here, I have work to do."

"You skip class to do work?"

"Yes... not everyone is interested in reading a dirty magazine about naked guys."

"Eh? Come on. I think you may find something you like."


"Do you like girls?"


"I don't understand you, but it's fine. We have plenty of time to get to know each other. Hey, are you listening?"

"Nope, I have research to do."

"On what?"

"None of your concern."

"Wow, okay, that's fair," Daiichi said, making his way over to Aidan. Aidan looked at Daiichi before shutting his laptop.

"I have a question for you," Aidan said.

"Yeah, I am single. Can I take you out to dinner?"


"Sorry, I have been working on my "I am available to date" lines."

"That was terrible and so generic... anyway. What do you think about Mr. Sato?"

"And you can do better?"

"Much better... anyway, answer the question."

"Alright, alright. Mr. Sato honestly is a bit weird."

"How so?"

"Where do I even begin?"

"The beginning..."

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