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Project Alaric is a low-angst, low spice, romance. Project Alaric is about the steps of a relationship. Initially, this story was meant to be a novella, but it quickly started to grow like an untamable wildfire. So, I decided to make a story about attraction turned into like, like turned to feelings, and feelings turned to love. I wanted to write a book that allowed everyone to spend time with a couple who, for a good portion of the book, are operating a new relationship. I wanted to take readers along for the ride of their relationship as they quickly learn they're in love with each other. 

I wanted to give meaning to the way Emery views loving someone. 

I wanted to give meaning to the way Emery finds arguments to be important to a relationship. But I'll let him tell you about that. 

Not only that, but you get a peek into Triple-A, who also have books coming. Next up is Apollo. After Apollo is Axton. Now, for Axton, he has two books. His story is far bigger than the two Triple-A boys before him, and his is embedded with the most angst out of the three boys. 

I also want to make a note of this. But not every romance book needs to have smut in it. I've been picked apart for this regularly. More and more people are getting disappointed that there is little to no spice in my books. Why does a book need a smut scene to make it a good one? No, I want to write about romance. I want to write about feelings. I want to write about the journey. Being a demisexual, I feel uncomfortable writing smut scenes in my books--any of them. Now, it's not to say that my books don't have ahem, dirty talk, or scenes leading up to the moment they sleep together, but I can't bring myself to write the act. I'm sorry if this disappoints you. But don't belittle me for refusing to write smut in my books. I will not conform to the demands of the literary world. I write for me. I share it with you. If you want smut, you aren't going to find it here, and I refuse to apologize for it.

Now, without further ado--the synopsis!


This isn't a story about pining. It's not about the chase. It's not about hiding our feelings.

Our story starts with Alaric deciding to befriend me by taking control of my almost-canceled ghost-hunting trip.

Alaric isn't stupid. He spots the way my cheeks pinken when he suggests sharing a bed. Therefore, my crush is revealed. And it only spirals from there.

While hunting ghosts with Triple-A, I learn more about the sweet, pained boy underneath Alaric's mask. Not only that, but the unobtainable Triple-A decide they adore me. They want to keep me around.

This story isn't about pining, chasing one another, hiding feelings, or otherwise. This is the story of our relationship. It starts as a crush, grows, and explodes into a romance I will do anything to hold onto.

And not even my friends can tell me Alaric isn't worth my time because he is. Alaric is everything.

So, I will hunt ghosts with Triple-A. I will get closer to Alaric. I will fall in love with him. But it doesn't come without a few bumps along the way.


Sexuality is not black and white. I've never identified as anything. I'm not straight, bisexual, gay, or otherwise. I'm simply a human being.

After intruding on Emery's ghost-hunting trip, I start to learn more about myself than I realize. First, I love those freckles that dust over his nose. Second, I love the sound of his laugh. Third, I suddenly find myself doing anything to make him mine.

Despite our fears of the friend group we share, we decide to pursue a relationship.

Throwing caution to the wind, I gather Emery in my arms, and we soar through North Carolina on a ghost-hunting adventure. I refuse to allow anyone to tell Emery his interests are childish. 

I will make sure I'm the one who tells him that everything about him is spectacular.

If I'm going to crash and burn, I'd prefer to burn in my love for him.

And that's a promise.  

See you soon, lovelies.
Nyx Luna (PsychoSunbaenim)

Project Alaric: Book One ✔️Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora