Posting Starts Today: Please Read

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Good morning.


This book follows Alaric and Emery who appear in Heart of Glass. Heart of Glass is the story of Aurora and Declan. BUT. Heart of Glass is not completed—I'm still working on it, but I've finished the complete first draft of this novel.

So, if you have no desire to read Heart of Glass—which some don't—PLEASE continue reading this note or parts of this story will NOT make sense. (Or rather, you won't know the story behind a couple of parts)

Emery meets Triple-A (Alaric, Axton, & Apollo) after he moves back home to Chapel Hill after several years. He once dated Jason Archer in high school, his best friend, but they didn't click, so they broke up. Emery moved away during high school, and cut contact with his friends.
-This part is merely brushed over as they resolve this in Heart of Glass.
-Emery is BRIEFLY mentioned in Heart of Glass prologue—which is posted. But you do not need to read that.

Jason Archer thought Apollo was homophonic based on their first meeting. Again, this is a scene in Heart of Glass. (He's not. Not even close.) This does get discussed between Alaric and Emery in the beginning. Jason is only in short sections of this book until the very end. Jason's book is next in line and is currently being written.

Axton is usually very cold, and hateful toward people. That has to do with his backstory. His backstory is NOT revealed in Heart of Glass. He is merely explained a little more in Heart of Glass. His story is third in line for this series, and he has two books.

The friend group of Emery:
Lyric is hardly mentioned as she does remain kind of a mystery for a little while. There is a reason for this. You won't find out much until her book. Lyric was one of my most beloved characters in the past. She will appear more often in the second book on phone calls.

If there is more I feel needs to be explained, it will appear in a note at the top of the chapter. Posting will start just as soon as I pull myself out of bed. HAHA.

I hope you enjoy this story. It's low angst.

See you soon
-Nyx Luna

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