Chapter Twenty-One

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Alaric Benson

The one thing I hated most about visiting my family was when I had to say goodbye. I hugged my sisters a little longer every time I visited. They hated being away from me. We hardly ever fought. We always talked on the phone. Texted. But it wasn't the same as when they were with me. But Dad's job kept him roped here. And even though the drive was a little less than three hours, I would visit as much as I possibly could.

Part of me wondered if I didn't try and retest for my GED was because that meant I'd have to start college. I would be saddled to Chapel Hill. But I already was, wasn't I? My brothers lived there. My second family was there. I'd lived in Chapel Hill for as long as I could remember. It was my home–regardless if I missed my family here in Wilmington. Our goodbye was full of tears. Too many of them.

My stepmom, who was my mom for all intents and purposes, cried the most each time I left. She took care of me and loved me like I was her own. And when she hugged my friends, it was the same. She adopted them, too. Not legally like she had done me, but they were her children, too. Then she embraced Emery, who was surprised before he sunk into her hold. I smiled through the tears I wanted to shed. They loved him already.

Then my sister attacked Emery with a hug, which he'd been expecting more than the hug from my mom. They made him promise to always come back when Alaric visited. He told them he would do everything in his power to make himself available to come back. Brielle could drive, and she threatened to hunt him down if he didn't hold to his promise. But we both knew she was too scared to drive that far just yet. She turned eighteen in a couple of months. Graduating next year. She was on her way to college afterward. Though, she wasn't sure what she wanted to do.

Dad hugged me and then patted my back. "Stay as happy as I've seen you through this visit. You are all welcome back anytime, but you already knew that." And we did. "It makes me happy to see you smile like you have been again. I know things have been rough for you, but I'm proud of you."

Although I hadn't noticed my smile changed, I knew it had if my Dad mentioned it. So, I hugged him again–something I rarely did. "Thank you, Dad." What was I thanking him for? I wasn't sure. Maybe I was thanking him for always taking care of me. Maybe I was thanking him for putting up with me when I was difficult. Or maybe I was thankful that he didn't care about who I dated. Man or woman. Or otherwise. Maybe I thanked him for loving me no matter what. Because not everyone had that. Axton happened to be one of those people. "I love you."

And I knew he was shocked, knowing I didn't say I loved him but rather, I showed it. "I love you, too, son. You come back soon." And he didn't let me go right away. I was okay with it because he smelled like home. He was home. And I could have more than one home. "And we will always be here. Waiting for you."

Damn it. I didn't cry, but he was a threat to my fucking tear ducts. So, I pulled away and gave him my best smile. Pretty sure it wobbled but whatever. He didn't comment on it.

My sisters launched into my arms once more, Brielle crying quietly while Harper was much more vocal. "Please come back soon. I liked that you stayed so long this time." Harper whined. "We miss you so much."

"Yeah, I'll be back, don't worry. Be good for the parentals, would you? I know you're a teenager, but don't be me, okay?"

"No promises," Brielle answered for both of them. "We will keep the trouble to a minimum, though. Just come back soon. You don't visit nearly enough."

I patted their backs. "Yeah, I will."

Once we pulled away, I stepped back against the Jeep while Apollo hugged them. They laughed through their tears at whatever Apollo said. He had that gift. Apollo was the most patient out of the three of us. Patient for tears. Patient for bad behavior. Patient for anything life threw at him.

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