Chapter Twenty

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Emery Gray

Alaric came up behind me, wrapped his arms around my waist, and then pressed his chin to my shoulder. "You're shivering." God, can someone tell me what I did to deserve a boy like this? "It's almost our turn."

I was a little sad because this was our last ghost adventure together. I had so much fun with them. Even if I wasn't sure how this trip was going to play out–it went better than I could have ever imagined. Tomorrow, we had to return home to real life. My parents asked if I could accompany them out of town for five days when I returned. I hadn't told Alaric, but I knew he wasn't going to mind. It wouldn't be a bad thing to spend a little time apart to let our relationship sink in. But I was still sad.

Not only was our trip ending but I wouldn't see him for five fucking days. But my grandmother wanted to see me, and there was no way I could say no. And I didn't want to. If my relationship wasn't brand new, I'd bring Alaric along with me. Then we'd have to talk about telling our friends. I'd been starting to message my friends back, not offering much information. We'd also need to speak about that. And since Axton and Apollo were currently chasing each other around on the grass while we waited, I figured we had time now.

I turned in his arms with a frown. "When I was getting my hair done, my Mom called." He lifted his brows–probably trying to figure out what I told her or otherwise. "I haven't told her yet. I want you to meet them properly, but..." I sighed. "When I get home, I have to go right back out of town. It's my grandfather's birthday, and a bunch of my family are going to be there. We hadn't been able to see him for his birthday because I lived in California, so I accepted. So, I won't be back for about five days. I'm not asking, clearly. I just wanted to let you know."

Alaric chuckled before he pressed a lingering kiss to my cheek. "Thank you for letting me know, but you didn't even have to do that."

"I did. You're my boyfriend. I wanted you to know I wouldn't be in town." I frowned. "I want to go really bad. I miss my grandparents. But I hate that it's so soon after...we decided to be in a relationship. Aren't we supposed to act like Declan and Aurora? Be everywhere the other person is?"

He only laughed again. "We can get to that part when you get back, okay?"

Still, I didn't smile. "Can we wait to tell our friends until I get back? I just want it to be in person, you know? Not because I want to hide you. And I think I'm going to tell my parents everything that happened between us while I was gone. You know, instead of having you just pop up one day. Not that they would care. But I tell my parents mostly everything. They're amazing. And when we get back, would you want to...maybe come over to meet them? I already know Mom will be planning a dinner in her mind when I'm telling her. She's been waiting for this day."

"I thought you've had boyfriends before."

I shrugged. "Not boyfriends I felt like I should tell them about. Not...boyfriends I felt like were going to last." I swallowed against the onslaught of emotions clogging my throat. "They've never met one of my boyfriends before. Except for Jason. But...we were already friends. It's a whole thing."

He cupped my cheek, his smile not faltering. "Of course, Little Phantom. I'll be wherever you want me. Don't be so nervous. I'm great with parents. And I'll be great with yours because all I need to tell them is that I plan to take care of you and make you happy. More than that, but I'll only be telling the truth."

"Shit." I breathed. "Yeah, I like you a lot."

"I like you, too." Then he kissed me, and my brain hopped offline. Then he pulled away a little too soon for my liking. "And I will text you while you're gone. When you get home, we will start our honeymoon phase the way it's supposed to be."

Project Alaric: Book One ✔️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang