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 I haven't written in 3 days :(

Yesterday, which was Sunday, I packed my lunch and went to the nearby park to do some quads (and film some too) there were a few people at the park but no one really cared. I shifted to my Irish wolfhound and I just sat down for a minute and looked around. It was calm. One lady did look at me funny and I stared dead in her eyes and she just kept on walking, which was pretty funny. I also got a pretty high jump when I was doing quads which was fun.

I have dance tonight which goes too like nine, which sucks, and I'm especially tired because daylight savings messed with my sleep schedule, but at least it's brighter at night, it'll be safer to go out to the nature preserve at a later time.

I was also looking at C2E2 guests, literally the only voice actor I like is The voice of ochako and time skip luffy, I like ochako but I haven't gotten to after the time skip so I don't see the point in meeting her for that... it's a con but not many people are coming(that I like). I looked at some other cons and one called ColossalCon Ohio came up, which has Zeno Robinson (one of my favorite voice actors) as well as voices of characters from other shows I like. And it's cheaper than c2e2, it's about $80 for all five days and it's like $90 for all three days of C2E2

There are too many babies screaming and one just said "no I hate you no" and there are not toddlers screaming 

I also have stress hives because I'm scared for when my report card comes back. My mom will probably take away my phone if I get any below a b+ on any subject :/

That's all for now!


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