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So I had an audition today that I completely forgot about and my mom was like "It's gonna be your style of dance don't worry!!!1!" And then we were doing pirouettes with gym shoes and Pom poms :/  and then they asked everyone to do tricks, one person did a back walkover, someone did a 7 pirouette, and everyone else did a single pirouette or a fire bird, and I asked them if breakdancing counts and they go "Sure! If you can do it!" So I breakdanced and they were positivity surprised and everyone was like "Woah! That's so cool" and when I get into the car I go "people did tricks so I did breakdancing" and she sighs LOUDLY and goes "Why didn't you do what everyone else did? Uh- because I want to stand out  and highlight my talent in hip hop dances as apposed to whatever the heck we were doing, and my mom is like- dude just do what everyone else does" and I'm like "I CANT DO A SINGLE PIROUETTE IN GYM SHOES!!"

Okay now onto Coco (Fake name)

So you wanna know what?? She is still mad at me and Lucas(fake name) is definitely using Push&pull. So me and my friends went to go find them and they were in math for our free period, so me and my friends sit down, and Coco is like Claire(Fake name) Sit here! And Harmony(fake name) sit here!" At her table and she said "sorry Jessica" (She knows that that is my deadname) and claire was like "Just pull up a chair"(side eying Coco) "JESSE" and when I pulled the chair over the both of them scooted away and they tried to leave but the teacher wouldn't let them go and then they insulted all of our art.

That was more detailed explanation from the other people in that incident. 

So then in ME (mental education, Just PE but for depression and stuff) we were talking about positive relationships and my friends kept calling out Coco(she wasn't in that room btw) but not saying her name, none of my friends like her anymore because Lucas is manipulating her not to. And her now ex-bff told me that Coco scooting away, and insulting our art (It was NOT a friendly insult) was Kind of disgusting to see, because we were friends but then Coco held a grudge over a friendly lighthearted Joke for 3 months, and is being manipulated into not being friends with us.

I don't know what happened to her, she was awesome, kind, funny, caring, Crazy in a good way, and just a great person, but now she's insulting us, ignoring us, and actively (and obviously) avoiding us out of disgust (not even trying to hide it) talking about us behind our backs, and not caring about our feelings. At the beginning of the year I blamed it on Sasha, but Sasha actually cares about us and is very relatable, respectful, and kind, and her just seeing her friend do that was a huge violation of her values. It could be Lucas manipulating her, they've been mutually interested in each other for 2 years. Based on what I know, he is manipulating her, and even begging then, some of the things he did to everyone else made them feel bad and that he was in the right. It could be him, it could be just her changing. I want so badly for it to be entirely not her fault because at the end of the day she's part of my found fam and even if she's never like how she used to be she's still important to me, but I know that it isn't Lucas's fault fully and she may have just ended up that way somehow. I don't know, sorry that this is getting a little venty

The poem lady came today, but I never got to talk to her because my friend talked to the lady for 40 minutes lol.

The drama teacher also stole the weather report idea from us so now we can't do that. I has thinking a parody of those garden scapes ads but my group members aren't chronically online so the don't get it 

Anyway yeah, buh-bye!!

Kintype of the day: channeling- MLP


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