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I wake up, hearing Tia cooing at the baby monitor.

I sit up, looking for Damien and noticing that he was no longer in the room.

Suddenly I hear a different sound from the baby monitor and pick it up.

"Hey, I'm back. Shhh your mom is sleeping."I hear Damien's voice and smile as I see him lean down in the crib to pick up the baby.

"Christ what did you eat? You smell putrid lets fix that. Uhg."

I chuckle before pressing the talk button.

"Stop insulting my baby Damien."I say, causing him to look up at the camera.

"Can you not smell this?"he questions, holding the baby up to the camera.

I laugh and then pull the covers off of myself, standing out of bed.

I walk out of my room and down the hall to Tiana's room, seeing Damien with his shirt over his nose as Tiana happily squirms on the changing table.

"You've never had to deal with a stink bomb have you?"I ask, folding my arms.

He gags into his shirt as he lifts Tiana's legs, seeing there was poop seeping through the diaper.

"Move over you big baby."I laugh as he steps back.

As I move past him, he grips my hips and pulls me in, instantly kissing my lips and causing me to chuckle.

We kiss for a few seconds and then I turn towards the baby as he steps back.

"So, where'd you go last night?"I ask, causing him to look up.

"Oh, just back to my place. I wanted to get a change of clothes and kinda passed out on the couch."he says.

"Is that so?"I ask as I begin changing her diaper.

"I had a few beers too."he shrugs.

"Oh goodness."I huff, shaking my head as he chuckles.

"Goodness? Is that all you have to say?"he questions with a smile as he walks over to me.

"Maybe."I smile, blushing as I toss the dirty diaper into the bin next to the changing table.

I pick up Tiana and turn towards him.

"Last night was amazing. But-"I say, carefully shifting the baby into his arms as he chuckles.

"I've gotta pump the beer out of my boobs before I feed her."

He chuckles again, bouncing the baby as we begin walking downstairs.

We find Zac in the kitchen already and he smiles as he looks up at me.

"Good morning gummy."I say, kissing his head as I walk towards the bar.

"Good morning mommy"he says.

"No good morning for me?"Damien asks as he sits down with the baby.

"Hmph."Zac says, turning away from him.

Damien smiles and then looks up at me as I put my hands on my hips.

"Don't be rude gummy."I say.

"Morning."Zac says.

"Oh wow. That stings Zac."Damien says as he carefully takes a seat.

"Are you taking me to school mommy?"Zac asks.

"Not today sweetie. Mommy has to pump and then get to work, Damien can take you right?"I ask.

"Of course."he responds.

"Who's Damien?"Zac asks.

"I'm Damien, numbnuts."Damien responds.

"I thought you were killer?"he says.

"Killer isn't my real name. Just like your mom's name isn't mom."Killer says, standing with the baby as she begins to fuss a bit.

Zac gasps and then looks up at me with an offended look.

"You guys urk my nerves."I sigh.


I sigh as I sit down in my car, Killer holding the baby standing in the door.

"Have a good day."he says as I buckle myself in.

"You too."I chuckle, leaning down and pressing a kiss against Tiana's head, and then placing one on Killer's cheek, making him smile.

"I wanna be with you."he says before I pull away.

"I really do. You make me feel normal."he says softly.

I smile and blush as I sit up.

"Fine. On one condition."I smile.

"What that?" He questions.

"You have to tell me about yourself. I want to know who I have my kids around."I say.

He nods.

"Fair."he shrugs.

"And you have to wear the baby thing."I smirk.

His smile goes down.

"Don't make me wear the baby thing."he says quietly.

"Wear the baby thing."I shrug, making him scoff.

"You're lucky I want to make you happy."


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