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"Check in there."one man demands, pointing to Damien's basement as he goes through the kitchen.

"I'm setting up the camera now sir."Another says.

"Good. Three, check in."

No response.

The leader turns around, frustrated.

"Three. Check in!"he shouts.

"Two, go check on him."

The other suited man walks towards the basement as the leader enters the living room, picking up the TV remote and turning on the TV.

"Um, one!"Two yells.

"What?!"the leader shouts.

There was a long silence and One huffs.

"Why the fuck aren't you answering?!"he says, turning around.

He's instantly met with a smoking silencer attached to Killer's gun.

"I thought the royal family would be harder to take out."Killer says.

One instantly smiles and shrugs.

"We're literally just the messengers."

Suddenly he hears clapping from behind one.

"Oie! Hey, you!"

Killer looks over to the TV and sees HJ waving happily.

"Damien! Hello, you're a hard man to find! Don't worry about One there, I want to kill you myself I wouldn't allow him to do it."HJ says, causing Killer to glance at One, slowly lowering his gun.

"Right. So, I know about your new little family, Damien."HJ says, opening a file with Sky's face on it.

"Leave them out of this."Killer instantly says, walking over to the TV.

"I'd love to! You'd have to accept my terms though. Are you a gambling man, Damien?"HJ smirks.

"Get on with it you one eyed fuck."Killer says, making him chuckle and shrug.

"My superiors are interested in you, Killer. Very interested. Almost 200 confirmed kills, and not a single piece of evidence left behind, very impressive. My superiors are offering you a position in the Royal Family. In exchange, I'll quit hunting you like a deer for slaughter. And I'll leave you to play step dad to your new little family."he says.

"You're joking. I'm a Killer but I have morals. You guys don't."Killer says.

Hj sighs, leaning forward.

"Women and children are just small obstacles, little hurdles you have to jump over in order to move up in the family."He says.

"Oh yeah? How many kids have you killed to get to your position?"Killer asks.

Hj shrugs and then smiles.

"I've lost count at this point. But I'm willing to add two more into the melting pot. I'll only ask you once more after this."he says.

Killer shakes his head.

"It's gonna be a no from me."he says.

Hj sighs and then shrugs before standing up.

"Alright then. And, about One. I lied."

Suddenly, Killer is stabbed in the shoulder and immediately screams out.

He grabs the arm of the man and instantly twists it, ducking under it and then pushing him forward into a painful submission lock.

The man struggles a bit before stepping back and aggressively headbutting Killer in the nose.

His nose instantly begins to bleed but he holds the submission lock, slowly bringing One's head closer to the ground.

Till finally, Killer quickly raises his knee and aggressively smashes it into One's face. Then he does it again, and again and again till One was beginning to sway on his feet, blood dripping from his face.

Killer pulls him up and takes a few steps back as One begins to struggle again.

Killer shouts, fighting with the man as he aggressively slams One's head into the marble counter top.

One grunts, and before he could react again, killer slams his face into the corner of the counter, instantly killing him.

Killer throws the limp body to the ground and hisses, his hand coming to the knife in his shoulder.

He hears slow applause and looks up, seeing HJ still watching.

"Very impressive, Damien. Very impressive." The camera then shuts off and the TV begins to play static.

Killer groans as he quickly walks towards the front door.


I shush Tiana, who was fussing as I tried to get the snap of my bra to release so I could feed her.

I look up, seeing Killer quickly approaching the car.

"Oh my god!"I shout as he gets in the car.

I instantly see a knife sticking out of his shoulder and he had a bloody nose.

"What the fuck! WHAT THE FUCK!"I shout, causing Tiana to start crying.

I see him glance into the rearview mirror before he looks over at me.

"I'm okay, stop screaming."he breathes before opening his glove compartment and pulling out a bunch of napkins.

"Okay I've had it, th-this is officially too much for me! I want you to drop me off at my mother in laws right now!"I say as he begins wiping the blood off his face with the napkins.

"I can't, Sky. You're safer with me."he sighs before putting his hand out, asking for the keys.

"Safer?! There's a knife sticking out of your shoulder!"I say.

He reaches over, grunting as he pulls the keys out of my hand and angrily starts the car.

"You should see the other guy."


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