chapter - 10

370 28 1

3rd person POV
Rathore Mansion

Ridhima reached Rathore Mansion after 35 min. Kabir gets down from the car and opens the door for her.

Ridhima started going inside the house while carrying a paper bag. She sees Janaki, Isha and Rudra at the hall. She smiles and walks towards them.

In these 2 weeks she had become close with three of them. She mostly spends her time with either Janaki or Rudra. They always defend her from Damini especially Rudra. He always supports her, making her feel warm. She started calling him ‘ Bhai ‘ as he protected her like a brother.

“ I'm home “ Ridhima said and walked towards Janaki touching her feet.

“ Welcome home, “ Janaki said, blessing her.

“ See, what I have got for you?” Ridhima said, opening the paper bag.

“ What is it, bhabhi?” Isha asked and helped her.

There were at least 5 boxes in it. They took the box out and opened it. They opened the box and immediately the sweet aroma started filling the living room. Rudra, who was looking at his phone, immediately looked up.

“ Chocolate muffins “ Isha exclaimed, taking one muffin and eating.

“ It's my favourite, thank you bhabhi. You are the best.“ Rudra said, eating half of the muffin in one bite. He takes a box of muffins and sits on the couch enjoying it. Each box has 6 muffins. Isha tries to snatch the box from him. They both started to fight for the box. Ridhima gives Isha another box stopping them from fighting. Isha shows her tongue at Rudra and starts eating.

Ridhima smiled and passed some to Janaki. Slowly all the family came to the hall and they started eating the muffin.

“ Bhabhi, where did you bring this from?” Rudra asked, munching on the muffin.

Ridhima swallow the muffin which she was eating and replied “ from coffee with love cafe “

“ Where is that cafe?” Isha asked.

“ It's half an hour away from here, “ Ridhima said, wiping her lip with a tissue.

“ take me there next time with you “ Isha said

“ Sure “ Ridhima replied

“ Me too, “ Rudra said and got up. He walks towards Isha who was about to pick a muffin and take 1 muffin which was the last piece and run from there.

“ You… give my muffin back “ Isha shouted and started running behind him.

“ You are not getting this back my dear sister “ Rudra shouted running around the sofa.

“ I'm telling you, I will kill you if you don't give me back my muffin, “ Isha said, running behind Rudra.

Rudra stopped in his tracks and turned around. Isha stops in her place and looks at him. Rudra gives her an evil smile and eats the muffin in one bite. Isha stares at him.

All the family silently look at Isha. Isha runs towards Rudra and pushes him hard making him fall on the sofa.

“ You evil one, demon, heartless creature, I cursed you to have a bad stomach after eating my muffin” Isha cried, while pulling his hair hard. Rudra smiles evilly while munching on the muffin. All the family shakes their heads at them.

It was 9:47pm and all the family had already retired to their room after having their dinner.
Ridhima entered her room and walked towards the bathroom.

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