chapter - 14

278 22 1

3rd Person POV

Ridhima closed the file and massaged her nape.

“ Tired?” Myra asked, standing beside her.

“ Yeah, “ Ridhima replied tiredly.

“ Are you finished with this?” Myra asked, pointing at the files.

“ Yes,” Ridhima said while arranging the files neatly.

“ I'm done too.” Myra said and took her bag.

Ridhima hummed and took her bag.

“ Let's go “ Ridhima said.

They go near the elevator. Myra click the button and they wait for the elevator.

“ Oh.. I forgot. Give me your number.” Myra said, giving her phone to Ridhima.

Ridhima takes her phone and types her number and gives it back to her. Myra gives Ridhima a missed call and saves her number.

The elevator arrived and they got inside. Ridhima clicks the button for the ground floor. When the elevator door was about to close someone put their hand stopping it.

The elevator door opens again and they see it was Rohit. Myra scrunches her nose but smiles at him when he looks at her. While Ridhima just great him and looked at her phone.

To Kabir Bhai
Where are you?

From Kabir Bhai
Outside the company.

“ So, how was your day?” Rohit asked.

Ridhima looked at him and pointed her finger at herself.

“ Yes, “ Rohit laughed.

“ Ohh… nice nice “ Ridhima replied

“ Good, if you have any problem you can come to me “ Rohit said.

“ Thank you sir, I hope you don't mind.” Ridhima said and laughed a little.

Ridhima looked at Myra and mouthed ‘ what just happened?’

‘ I don't know,' Myra mouthed back.

They came out of the elevator and saw Shalini standing there.

“ You're finally here “ Shalini said and walked towards Rohit and wrapped her hand around his left hand.

“ Let's go, we are already late for our dinner date.” Shalini said and pulled Rohit with herself. Rohit looked back at Ridhima and waved his hand and they left from there.

“ I think he is trying to hit on you, “ Myra said, looking at their retreating figure.

“ Don't talk rubbish.” Ridhima said and started walking out of the company.

“ Really, didn't you see how he was looking at you at the lift. And he asked you ‘ how was your day?‘. He never asked any employee about that till now.” Myra said

“ Anyway, you just stay away from him. And if he troubles you don't worry I'm here. Even if he is my manager, for me my friend is more important. I know some fighting moves too, like this” Myra said and punched in the air showing her moves.

Ridhima laughed and stopped her.

“ Stop, all are looking at us “ Ridhima said.

“ Alright, alright.” Myra said “ oh.. My brother is here. You can come with me, I will tell my brother to drop you.“

“ No, no. My brother is here too.” Ridhima said, pointing at Kabir who was coming towards her.

“ Is he your brother?” Myra asked

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