Chapter 3 (summer)

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I found myself at the beach with my family, savoring a moment of tranquility. Seven months had passed since those unsettling incidents, yet an eerie sensation lingered. A creeping feeling hinted that this newfound peace might soon be shattered. As my mom called me for lunch, the aroma of my favorite foods wafted through the air, prompting me to question the occasion. She simply stated it was a spontaneous family outing, tears welled in my eyes, remorse flooding my thoughts for the way I had treated her.

After a delightful meal, my older sister and I ventured into the sea, immersing ourselves as if it were our last day on Earth. As I collected corals, an unexpected force pulled me down. Panic set in until I realized it was just my sister playing a prank. Annoyed, I emerged from the water to notice an unsettling change – the once vibrant stones now bore a deep shade of black, an abnormality that vanished when picked up.

The sky, once bright, morphed into a gloomy expanse. A sudden strong wind drove us back to the rented cabin. Intriguingly, I counted five rooms instead of the four we were told. My curiosity led me to a hidden door beneath the bed in the extra room. Upon opening it, I was pulled into an unknown space, awakening in a red room with no apparent exit.

Frantically screaming yielded no response until a mirror materialized. My reflection revealed a tall, dark shadow behind me. In terror, I watched as it attacked, throwing me to the ground. Spotting a small opening, I fought back, escaping the entity's grasp. Catching my breath, I opened the small door beneath the mirror, believing I had finally escaped. But, to my dismay, I encountered Zoren, held captive by the same dark figure.

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