Chapter 8 (Roadtrip)

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Weeks passed, and I still hadn't talked to any of my friends. I mostly ate alone or sat behind the room where no one could even notice me. Then, our teacher walked in and announced that we're having a field trip, which will be held on Saturday, March 23rd.

I was counting down the days that had passed because it would be a good escape from the stress caused by the supernatural events that kept occurring.

On the day of our field trip, fear still lingered all over my body as if something big was going to happen later on, but I shrugged it off. Our school was packed with students who would be joining our field trip. We were called one by one and assigned seating arrangements. I ended up sitting next to Yuri, my classmate whom I never really knew because we had never had a single conversation.

As we waited for the other students to arrive, I noticed that Yuri had been silent for a while, so I decided to talk to him. We had a great conversation, discussing life and things that I thought only we could understand. Then the teacher announced that the bus would now be leaving and reminded us to ensure that we were seated according to our assignments.

As the bus rumbled to life, Yuri glanced over at me, offering a tentative smile that I returned with a slight nod. The journey began, the hum of the engine blending with the chatter of my classmates, but my mind remained clouded with thoughts of the looming darkness that seemed to follow me everywhere.

I stole glances out the window, watching as the familiar scenery gave way to unfamiliar landscapes. The further we ventured from the familiarity of home, the heavier the weight of unease settled upon my shoulders.

Yuri, sensing my unease, reached out a hand, offering silent comfort in the midst of my turmoil. Their gesture was small, yet it spoke volumes, reminding me that even in the midst of uncertainty, I was not alone.

As the miles passed beneath us, I found myself drawn into conversation with Yuri, the barriers of unfamiliarity crumbling in the face of shared experiences and common fears. With each passing moment, the darkness that had haunted me seemed to recede, replaced by the warmth of newfound companionship.

But just as I began to relax into the rhythm of the journey, a sudden chill swept through the air, sending shivers down my spine. Glancing out the window, I caught sight of a familiar figure lurking in the shadows, its presence a silent reminder that the darkness was never far behind.

With a sinking heart, I realized that our road trip was about to take a dangerous turn, plunging us into a perilous journey where the line between reality and nightmare blurred beyond recognition. And as the bus hurtled forward into the unknown, I braced myself for the horrors that awaited us on the road ahead.

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