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His mother didn't notice the "sinful" deed Laurens had committed in his diaper and plastic pants when she took of the diaper. After the shower the extra thick day diaper was put on and the school uniform waited washed and ironed on his chair. Thinking of all that could happen the coming day Laurens slurped his breakfast.

Arriving at school He put away his bike and saw the blond curls of Henk, sticking out like a flag above the other kids at the yard. The two boy greeted each other as if the were friend for decades,. They walked together to a quiet part of the schoolyard. A little nervous Laurens looked at his new best friend. A little bit of pee was absorbed in his diaper when he asked: "Do you want to go to my home after school, my parents want to meet you."

To his relief Laurens enthusiastically answered: "Cool then we can hang out longer and get to know each other better, that is great!" Then they walked to the morning prayers. Again they asked god to help them with all the things you can better do yourself by learning and training, then by relying on that strange wizard in the sky!

The first lesson was one that should change the life of our two friends completely: catechesis. A minister in an old-fashioned robe, introduced himself as reverent Matheus. Like a salt pillar he stood in front of the class. During the first ten minutes of the class he made it look like god was your best friend, you could tell god everything etc.

But after this introduction it became clear that god was only forgiving to the people believing in the one and only real god, and his holy rules followed as you could find in the holy bible. When you were a sinner than god wouldn't be that cool anymore, you would burn in hell for all eternity. Some students in were very grateful that they were born in the right families, that believed in the right god in his way!

When the reverent asked if there were any questions so far, Laurens raised his hand. "Will we be punished for the sins our parents do?" Mister Reverent answered promptly: "When you read Deuteronomy 24:16 you can clearly see the following: Fathers shall not be put to death for their children, nor shall children be put to death for their fathers; a person shall be put to death for his own sin. That is completely clear, isn't it?" He seemed very pleased with his answer, but Laurens wasn't.

But sir, does Deuteronomy 5:9 not teach us: you shall not bow[c] down to them nor serve them. For I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, [d]visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me?

This brutal remark was the reason Laurens had to walk to vice principal. The class whispered loudly: "He must go to the torturer." A boy said o Laurens: "It was nice knowing you, good luck boy!" A nervous pee was put in his diaper when he knocked on the door of Mr Jansen, the school vice principal.

In the bare room of the school torturer was only a cross on the wall, to remind everybody entering this room how Christ suffered for all of us, and so the treatment of mr Jansen couldn't be that bad, could it? "What is your name, I don't think I've seen you before", a friendly soft voice, not matching the expected nature of the man in front of Laurens.

With a slight stutter our friend said: "I'm Laurens, the new boy, mr. tor... eh mr Jansen!", Laurens corrected himself quickly hoping the vice principal didn't knew what he almost said. Mr. Jansen looked to the boy, who was clearly afraid and smiled. "So, I see my fame preceded me again. And what is your terrible crime that you are send to the school torturer on your second day at our school?" Subconscious Laurens had to laugh, this man wasn't as bad as his name the school torturer surmised.

With more bravura then he really felt Laurens said: "I was sent to you by Mr. reverent." Mr. Jansen had to laugh: "Ah, I see, and what terrible crime did you commit that our good reverent send you to me, boy?" Laurens told everything that happened that morning in class. The vice Principal had to laugh out loud, very loud, when Laurens told the story. He loved the bravery of the new boy!

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