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After the training the boys of the team went together to the bar in the swimming pool and discussed the training. Laurens and Henk felt directly very comfortable and accepted in the group, nobody made any remarks about their "special" swimming trunks they wore during the training and yes they were very visible. And they didn't find the fact that the boys used one cabin to change.

When our two boys were dressing Henk noticed that Laurens put on his wet diaper again. Laurens explained that he wasn't allowed to change into clean diapers during the day, as part of his punishment. Henk was amazed and a little disgusted that his friend put on the used diaper while he was putting on a new one. But deep inside he felt it was a bit excited by the idea.

It was a beautiful day and hand in hand the two boys walked home. When they reached Henk's house they said goodbye with a sweet, careful kiss. Laurens walked after that alone to his home, where his mom was already waiting with the cup of tasteless tea.

Of course she wanted to know everything about the training: Is it a nice team you're in? (Yes). Were there more boys with diapers? (No, only Henk and Laurens). Wasn't the training to exhausted? (What a stupid questions mothers can asked, how can such a great training to be to exhausted for a fourteen year old boy? So: NO! duh!). The cross examination went on for quite some time.

The last question she asked was if the boys had prayed before the training to ask god for a safe and fun time in the water. His mother didn't like that Laurens had to laugh. "Mom not everybody is a religious fanatic like you! There are people who understand that you can take care of safety yourself better then ask some god to do so!"

This remark made his mother mad, she scolded him. "Of course you have to ask god for a safe and nice training, if your teammates don't want to do it you can do it yourself, maybe when your new friends see you praying they will follow your example. He should ask god for guidance and help!"

Laurens was mad, with a red face he shouted at his mom: "Did your god guide Carla, a baby that was stillborn, that could do nothing to change that? And your great god did also made that she couldn't be baptized, knowing that would make it impossible for her to be buried in sacred ground? Your loving god also guided her when she couldn't go into the heavens? I have to ask that god for help?"

Trembling from madness Laurens left and with a loud bang he closed the door of his room, leaving his mother alone, crying."

In his room he laid down on his bed and started to cry too. This was the first time that he told his mother what he thought of that terrible "god" she believed in. He just wanted to go downstairs and tell his mother that according to the vice principal god was love and that the love for Carla could bring them together after their death. Unfortunately his anger was to strong and he was to afraid to the consequences when he told that the religious vision of the head of his new school was totally opposite to her vision.

When he cooled down a bit, Laurens started his homework. Some boring math and some even more boring English lessons. But he couldn't really concentrate, he had to think over and over again what he did to his mother. In their home they didn't speak much about Carla. And now he opened up this wound and even dumped a lot of salt in it. He thought he was a terrible boy to hurt his mother that much.

During the evening meal everybody was quiet. Mother still had red, blood shed eyes and she looked very sad. His dad looked every now and then with a very angry look in his face at Laurens

That evening Laurens was send to bed early. He took of his shirt and waited in just his diapers for his father to come and change him in his night diapers.

This time his father wasn't jolly at all. He looked very disappointed while taking of the big day diaper and cleaning up his diaper area. After applying the rash cream and putting his son in the diapers and plastic pants he set down next to him. For a short moment he thought back to his own youth. How many times was he lying on his bed in thick diapers and plastic pants with a disappointed parent next to him?

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