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The two boys were sitting next to each other in complete silence looking at each other. Laurens brains were working on top speed. Did is new friend just told him he was gay? Doesn't he know that being gay is a deadly sin? That only thinking you want to have sex with a boy can be punished by death (according to the bible that is). Of course, he understood that Henk lost his faith for that reason and for that reason alone. But what about him? Didn't he a few moments ago jerked off his best friend through his diaper? Didn't he think of Henk the last night when he pleasured himself in his diaper? Didn't he dreamed last night about Henk?

And Henk? Henk couldn't erase thoughts about Laurens from his brain. He knew that his nature would come out in the end. He had no clue how his parents would react on that, that made him very nervous!

We have to go to a place where we can speak more freely," Laurens said, we can't be free in here. He looked at his alarm clock and noticed it was ten minutes to six. "Shit, you have to go home, Henk! Can we talk tomorrow at your house more freely?" "Yes my parents get home around five o'clock and we are free from school at one o'clock, so we have plenty of time to talk if you want. And who knows, we can discover our bodies a little more." Henk had a wicked smile on his face when he looked at his friend during the last remark!

That evening Laurens didn't mind about the tasteless they ate, or the thick diaper he got on, he was dancing in his head!

For the first time in days Laurens took his old laptop and booted it up from his secret partition. He started Firefox and searched for: "Boys who wear diapers". To his surprise he found not only sites about bedwetters, but also about boys who, just like him, are pleasuring themselves in their diapers. A couple of those sites he placed in his favorites, and before his father came to his room he shut his laptop down and went downstairs to be a short time with his parents.

During his diaper change that evening Laurens had great difficulties to hide his excitement to his father, what would he say when his son got an erection during that procedure?

In bed he enjoyed his diaper to the fullest, while fantasizing about all the secret places on Henk's body. What would Henk look like when totally naked? How would he look like with an erection, and what could he do with that? Satisfied he lay on his back, looking at the ceiling, thinking about what Henk told him that afternoon.

Henk was gay, there was no reason to doubt that, without saying it he as good as confessed he was. But what was Laurens? He never saw a girl that he wanted to live with forever, but to be honest, he never looked at a boy in that way either, he never thought about sex. But Henk was different then with his old friends on his old school. That were normal boys together. Being tough, rough housing, laughing, making teachers look ridiculous. The friendship with Henk was deeper, it moved him more, it moved him in his heart!

Thinking about his feelings Laurens got confused more and more. His complete life he was told how terrible homosexuality was. His complete life he was convinced that he would find a nice girl, starting a family with her, getting a couple of kids running in the yard, and that they would raise them in God and by doing so making their Christian community stronger. And now? All he could think of was Henk. God and the Christian community was nothing more then a silly fairytale you tell to toddlers before going to bed...

But what did his feelings do with him now? The moment he thought about Henk he got exited in his diaper, he never had felt that way. His believe in god and the church was completely gone the moment he understood ho the church handled the situation when his mother got pregnant two years ago. He knew how much his mother wanted an other baby, they prayed for it every evening, they paid extra money to the church so prayers could be said during the celebrations. When his sister was born it should have been one big feast, but it ended in a drama. During the birth every thing that could go wrong went wrong. The little girl came dead to the world, and Maria almost died.

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