Chapter one: Things aren't ending well

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Another day another week. Time flies by when this is going terribly wrong around this place. Most of the world is dead and it's all because.....of me. I'm the source to keeping people alive.My name is Vanessa Boondock. I'm twenty-seven and shit is going down in the world.

Let me walk you straight through what has happened already. So Here's how it all began. I was an experiment in a lab to see if there was every a way to be killed but be brought back to life and heal people from a certain disease. The people who are after me are blood suckers also known as Vampires. There Leader Dimitrus wants me but the thing is I'm hiding with a stupid group who thinks one of the Eight of us is working with him. I can vouch for me and my friend Angie. We've never seen anything like this before and it's made humans Extinct. There aren't but so many of us. Other than me and Angie the other seven of us are A doctor, Shelly. Three imbeciles names Max, Jacey,and Bella two military guys who were supposed to be watching me..... Brandon and Axel and last but not least Virginia. The newbie to the group.

Anyways we've been hiding out in secret bunkers and killing vampires who keep trying to take me to their leader but the thing is Dimitrus  sister Lola wants me first because she wants all the power. You'll see what kind of things she does in this story.

Moving on to our current situation. The Vampires trying to break in our bunker and Axel and Bella won't stop fighting about dumb shit.

If you don't let us out of here we're all gonna fucking die Axel! Bella screamed.
Would you rather be out there getting fed on by those blood suckers!? Axel screamed. I'd gladly sacrifice myself just so you'd shut the fuck up and do something to get us out of here! Go to hell bella! Kiss my ass, were about to get eaten alive and you're worried about this damn bunker! Guys shut up and stop fighting over some dumbass shit, Axel get us the hell out of here. I'm not leaving until I find the traitor and kill them for rating us out to Dimitrus. Jacey said. Hello can we focus on surviving, we have a big war coming to us. Virginia starts walking away.Hey you little creep get back here Axel said. Virginia turns around. What do you want? Where do you think you're going? I'm going to go get some food. Virginia said. Meanwhile at the other side of the town vampires were killing people they saw and smelled. A few of Lola's trusted vamps hunted for me as she had something else to take care of . Lola isn't someone you wanna mess with. She is very flexible and quick. Anything that you do around her or near her won't go unnotticable. Lola always has something black on because she thinks that's the only color she looks good in besides red. She dyed her hair red so she could keep a part of that life of her. She had black mid length acrylic nails.

A girl named Kayla was creeping around in her office searching for blueprints of her facility. She found them and put them in her filthy torn coat . As she got ready to leave she heard heels walking towards the room. She quickly hopped on a few cases and started crawling through the vents. Lola walked in the room but could smell her scent. She heard her crawling through the vents. She punched the vents and grabbed Kayla. Kayla screamed as Lola crawled on top of her. Her red wavy hair tickling Kayla's face.Boo. Lola said. She covered Kayla's mouth so she couldn't scream.

Lola's Pov:

I knew exactly who Kayla was. Her scent was so familiar. You've been watching me.....why? I asked her. I could hear her blood flowing through her veins as her heart pounded fast. I looked over at her pocket and saw the blueprints. Who sent you? I asked her. As I pinned her to the ground. I removed my hand from her mouth. I'm so sorry, I don't want to do this...... Stefan is making me. Kayla said sounding scared. You people are gonna learn never to take things from me when it doesn't belong to you. I growled at Kayla's Neck as I sniffed her scent. Please don't hurt me. I promise I'll do anything you want, I can get you anywhere you wanna go. Kayla said as she started tearing up. I already have everything I need..........I could feed on you, let my other pets feed on you, i could tear your limbs apart......there's so many things i could do.....even experiment. I get very close to Kayla's face. Please don't hurt me, please....I'm sorry. Kayla cried out. I played with her straight brown hair. I look in her eyes. I could tell she didn't want anything to do with the situation. Go. I said. I let her go. As she starts to crawl away I leaned over her and grabbed her hair and gently pulled it back to make her look at me. Never say I wasn't merciful. Kayla gulped as I let her go. I grabbed the blueprints and looked at them. Please.....I need those.....of I don't bring it back he'll kill me. Kayla said. And what makes you think I won't kill you? I said looking at her. Please ......Kayla said. I got up and held her by her neck and sniffed her scent. I'll have your scent forever....... You belong to me. I said. Bu....before Kayla could finish I let out my fangs. Kayla started panicking. I start to bite her arm as she whimpers in pain. I bite down a little bit leaving my mark. I look at her and kiss the spot. I bite my arm and hold it out to her as I'm bleeding. Drink. Kayla looked at me for a second then she took my arm and drank. I rubbed her head. No one can kill you unless it's me. I told her. Kayla let go after drinking some of my blood. Take the blueprints but don't let them out of your sight.....I'll be back for you. I push her hair out of the way. I whisper in her ear. Leave. Kayla gets up and walks out . One of Lola's men walked in. We search all over for Vanessa on this side of town......she's nowhere to be found. He said. Then you need to go look for her on the other side.yes ma'am. He walks out. Lola looks at her window and smells Kayla's scent nearby.

Soon Kayla gets back to Stefan and the others. She's out of breath but she remembers what Lola said. She walks in amd pretends like nothing happened.

Stephans POV:

Kayla you finally made it back, did you get the blue prints? Yeah I did, I almost got caught but I left in time before they found me. Give me the blue prints. Kayla handed them over. Good. Now it'll be easy to sneak in and take all of them out.whag about Dimitrus? Kayla said. I'll take care of him. If I can put him and his sister against one another then she'll take him out for us.

Kayla knew she had to warn Lola. She walked outside and thought about what to do.

Kayla's pov: I heard my name being called. I walked far away from the fence and I walked straight to the voice. It was Lola. She was talking to my brother Kyle. Lola was about to kill him. Wait! I ran to them. Stop! That's my brother.i fell to the ground next to him. You know him? Lola asked. Yes I do, please don't hurt him. It's your lucky day......why are you out here Kayla? I wanted to tell you what Stefan was planning against you. Kyle looks at me. Are you serious....  You're helping her when they wants us dead? Kayla knows our deal so if she breaks it then I break her. Lola says. What is she talking about Kayla? Kyle asked. I do what she ask and I live......Kayla said. And it keeps me from killing you or turning you. Lola said. Kyle looks at Kayla. You have no idea what she's doing so you? He asked her. Kayla if he's staying alive you better convince him to lower his standards and his guard before I have to kill him. Lola said. Kyle just shut up okay, I know what I'm doing. Your gonna get her caught! Kyle said. Who? Kayla asked. Kyle whispered to me about Vanessa. She's the reason we're all about to die so if I can play nice then that's what I'm going to do. I told him.

Lola's Pov: I realized who Kyle was talking about......... Vanessa. Kayla turns to walk away. I'll be back tomorrow Kayla we're getting you out of there. I told her. She smiles then walks away. I look at Kyle. Where is she? I asked him. Who? Kyle said. I read between lies perfectly so where's Vanessa? I'm not telling you anything Kyle said. Either you're gonna tell me where she is or your pretty little sister is going to become a blood sucker just like the rest of them. I'd hate to have to do that. Kyle looks upset and worried about his sister. Fine.he said. Good boy. I listened to what he was saying.

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