chapter 7: Lola's message prt 2

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Bella's POV:

I hate when I have to be the bearer of bad news, but due to the fact that it's for Lola i think I'll be okay. I walk up to Vanessa house. I could feel activity in the building.
I go up to Vanessa's house. I heard noises and I knew Vanessa had finally gotten here. I open the door and walk in.a Arrow got shot at me. I was lucky able to catch it. I looked in the direction it came from. It was Angie. Bella? How the hell did you find us? Angie said as she came out of Hiding. Vanessa came out as well. I looked at Vanessa then Angie. That doesn't matter right now.......what does matter is the message.......The message from who? Vanessa asked. I looked at her. Lola.........she can cure Jacey's return she wants you and jacey.....unarmed. I told her. And how would you know this? Angie said. It's a long story but the short version is I'm with her and I'm a vampire now and she sent me here to deliver the message. So she wants me and Jacey. Vanessa said. She only wants Jacey in order to heal her, where is Jacey? We left her since we couldn't help. We were gonna go back for her. Angie said. Well then you need to hurry, I'm not sure how long Lolas offer is gonna stand.

Soon everyone headed out and started going there own ways. I headed back to Lola. The girls went to go get Jacey.

Lola's  POV :

Kayla is finally healed up and now it's time to mess with her a bit. She's sitting in the library reading a book. I touch her hands and slam the book shut as she looks up at me. What do you want? She asked. I grabbed her chin. You.......or did you forget that you owe me.Can we please not do this now, I just finished recovering. Do you think I care about that.  I whispered in her ear......Your gonna do what I say and you're going to like it. No, I don't want to. I start getting Angry at her words. I start growling. Kayla you know you don't wanna see me Angry......I grab her neck. I will kill you and not think twice about it. Kayla slid up in her seat. Fine. She said. Good. I let her neck go and grab her hand and lead her to my room. What are you doing? Kayla said. Obviously you've had sex with a your gonna experience it with me. Wait do you really wanna say no to me owe me basically your life.......I walk up to her and place my hand on her cheek.You always said you wanted to be like me.........that was before I found out what you were doing. I push her up against a wall. Like what Kayla...last I checked I wasn't hurting you until you started trying to switch do realize that everything I'm doing I made you apart of......I wasn't going to ditch you. I don't care about that....I thought I knew what I was doing but clearly I don't. I slowly dive into kissing Kayla. I go at a slow pace.i kiss her and let go for a few minutes as she looks at my lips......this is what you always wanted isn't be right under wanted me to use you. Kayla looked me in the eyes. I never thought it would happen. Is it because you thought I wasn't interested in you? No it's not that I just didn't think you cared enough to think about my feelings. You know you could've asked if that's what you really wanted.what about bella? I'm sure she won't mind sharing. I kiss her again. I slipped my hands under her shirt and hold her waist. Kayla kissed me back with the same amount of force. I whisper in her ear. You know I've wanted do this with you since the day I met you....I just didnt think you would let i can say the way we met wasnt the way you actually thought would happen. I still want to be turned Lola. Kayla said. I held her chin up. What about you double crossing me? I asked her. I'm not going to.......I wanna be on your side.......forever. she said looking me in the eyes. I never forgot it I just wanted to make sure that it's still what you wanted. I said. She looked me in the eyes and stayed silent. I lean into her and you want me to do it now? I asked her. Kayla shook her head yes. I put her cheek in the palm of my hand. Be still okay......I said. Okay. Kayla said. Close your eyes and relax.....I'll take care of you. Kayla slowly closes her eyes and let me take control. I pull her close to me and tilt her head to one side start kissing her neck as I make it tender. Kayla starts moaning. I kept going as I started getting her to a comfortable state. I take her neck and slowly burry my fangs in her. Her neck starts dripping blood as I continue biting her and letting my vampire form take over as I change her. Kayla is completely comfortable and not screaming. Soon I finish and let go. Kayla completely falls under sleep as the transformation begins. I lay her on my bed and walk out. Soon Bella comes in. Hey mistress. She said as she grabbed my waist. Hey .......did you find them?  Yeah there on there way to go get Jacey. You mind taking care of a huge problem for me? Sure what is it babe? Bella said. I need you to get Stefan on my side and get him to kill my brother.......tell him I sent you. I can do that. Good......I kiss her deeply.....I love you.

Vanessa's POV:

I can't believe that Lola is willing to help Jacey as long as I give myself up. Well vee that's how it always goes. Angie said. Yeah well as long as you're not alone and if anything  happens to me I need you to find bianca. Vee......I don't think that Bianca is alive. I stop in my tracks. Why would you even say that to me? Look I just want to be real with you...... bianca might......might be gone for good. Soon we get back to the base where we left Jacey. I call out her name. JACE!  JACE! WE look around for her. She comes out of her hiding spot. Jacey! God you fucking scared me. Why are you guys here, I thought you were dropping me? No Jacey,bella came to us......there's a cure.....but Lola has it and in order to get it I have to turn myself in.

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