C8 - The Shocking Fact That This House Was Built in the Early Ming Dynasty!

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Xueman had her fill of water, but the mere mention of food reignited her hunger.

Zhao Yuegu noticed Xueman's concern about their food supply.

He had ways to obtain food, but it belonged to the villagers.

He wouldn't turn down an outside source, especially since the program team was here to help alleviate poverty.

Most of the villagers were elderly, and he was likely the only one who could assist with the filming.

Agreeing to help came naturally to him.


Zhao Yuegu's nod sent the young videographer nearly leaping for joy.

Lin Luqin shared in the excitement, feeling she had made a difference for the siblings.

Xueman's lips curled into a sweet smile, reassured about the food situation.

Zhao Yuegu, however, remained largely unfazed.

"Our house is the largest in the village, so some of you will need to stay with us tonight."

Lin Luqin surveyed the space with a slight frown.

"Will it really be enough?"

Zhao Yuegu chuckled and led them to an old courtyard gate. As it creaked open, Lin Luqin was taken aback by the hidden charm of the place.

"A courtyard complex?"

She was astonished.

The videographer eagerly began capturing the scene.

"The houses here bear the marks of time, and most aren't fit for living, but they've likely been here for quite some time."

Zhao Yuegu gave a small nod.

"The village elders say this estate was built in the twelfth year of the Yongle era."

The revelation made the videographer's hands shake with excitement.

"From the early Ming Dynasty? That's over four centuries of history."

Lin Luqin raised an eyebrow.

"That sounds impressive."

The videographer remarked, unable to contain his enthusiasm.

"It's not just impressive; it's extraordinary. These are undamaged relics with immense historical value."

Zhao Yuegu's smile was easy.

"Though the house has its drafts, there's no rain forecasted for a few days. You'll manage just fine here."

The videographer was beside himself with excitement, practically floating on air.

Pushing open the weathered wooden door felt like traveling back through four hundred years to a bygone era.

The dense cobwebs within the house bore silent testimony to the passage of time.

Imagine capturing this courtyard on film...

The entire video would likely be immensely valuable due to these ancient structures!

Zhao Yuegu's abrupt caution broke his reverie.

"Watch your step, don't tread on my seedlings."

It was then that the cameraman noticed the courtyard was brimming with vegetables, with just two narrow paths spared.

While the young green shoots were a cheerful sight, they starkly contrasted with the courtyard's age-old ambiance.

Lin Luqin pursed her lips, sensing something out of the ordinary.

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