C21 - Sun Ying, Who Was Doubting Her Life!

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After cycling through three card readers, the store employees finally faced the facts.

The young man in plain clothes...

Was a super-wealthy individual!

Even the bank cards of major tycoons didn't boast funds in the hundreds of millions.

The staff even wondered if there was a hidden camera somewhere, capturing their reactions for an online reveal.

But no such person was in sight.

Instead, a crowd of onlookers had gathered.

"Could you speed it up?"

Zhao Yuegu couldn't help but prompt them.

"Sure, sure."

The clerk picked up the pace.

Zhao Yuegu slipped into new shoes and tucked the muddy old ones into a bag.

Xueman had made them, and they were too precious to discard.

Yet, to the staff and onlookers, this seemed bizarre.

He was clearly wealthy, and those shoes were clearly soiled!

Why not just throw them away?

The man was an enigma!

Zhao Yuegu, unconcerned with their bewilderment, handed over the other new pair of shoes to the security guard.

The guard was taken aback by the gesture.

He hadn't seen this coming.

Without giving the guard a chance to decline, Zhao Yuegu re-entered the mall and picked out clothes that fit him perfectly.

Emerging later, he looked like a completely different person.

His striking appearance drew eyes wherever he went.

Particularly from girls in breezy outfits who stole glances his way.

A few even boldly asked for his WeChat.

"Have we met before?"

Zhao Yuegu's lips quirked in amusement.

Such a cliché pickup line!

But then the girl gasped, her hand flying to her mouth.

"Ah! You're Mr. Watermelon!"

"I've seen your videos online."

"Weren't you up in the mountains?"

Zhao Yuegu was taken aback.

Since when had he become so recognizable?

To be identified on the street was unnerving.

The girl's exclamation drew a crowd.

Zhao Yuegu's recent internet fame, thanks to an exorbitantly priced watermelon and his striking good looks, had stirred excitement.

Seeing him in person thrilled many of the girls.

After all, Zhao Yuegu's attractiveness was exceptional.

He had never encountered such a spectacle before.

It felt just like chasing after a celebrity.

Eventually, he had no choice but to gesture dismissively.

"Sorry folks, I've got things to do."

Leveraging his strength, he effortlessly made his way through the crowd.

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